Common header for All Reports

  • Can someone recommend a good link to help us understand how to build a single, common "report header" for all reports?

    For example, I want every report in my system to have a common theme, common text, common company logo. If we ever need to change the company logo or color or text box, we can then do it in a single location.

    I've built a sample report, simulating a header layout, then tried including it as a subreport on the HEADER of subsequent reports but SQL 2008 SSRS will not allow us to include a subreport in the header of other reports.

  • I've run into the same thing. I just take the sub report and put at the top of the body instead. Not as nice of course because the sub report doesn't repeat on consecutive pages, but it works for me.

  • You want to create a custom template. Here's a search that returns several results on how to do it.

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