command attempted is not displayed in replication monitor and msrepl_errors table in distribution

  • Hi All,

    The below message is captured in distribution agent job. But am not able to find xact_seqno from msrepl_errors table and replciation monitor as well. Please help me in getting xact_seqno

    Date        2/14/2017 11:13:31 PM
    Log        Job History (Publisher-DB-CODES2CODES-Subscriber-151)

    Step ID        2
    Server        Distributor
    Job Name        Publisher-DB-CODES2CODES-Subscriber-151
    Step Name        Run agent.
    Duration        00:37:16
    Sql Severity        0
    Sql Message ID        0
    Operator Emailed        
    Operator Net sent        
    Operator Paged        
    Retries Attempted        0

    -XSTEPID 2
                -XSUBSYSTEM Distribution
                -XSERVER Distributor_server
                -XCMDLINE 0
                -XCancelEventHandle 00000000000007CC
                -XParentProcessHandle 0000000000001ED8
    2017-02-15 04:13:32.142 Startup Delay: 9637 (msecs)
    2017-02-15 04:13:41.767 Connecting to Distributor 'Distributor_server'
    2017-02-15 04:13:42.017 Parameter values obtained from agent profile:
                -bcpbatchsize 10000
                -commitbatchsize 500
                -commitbatchthreshold 5000
                -historyverboselevel 1
                -keepalivemessageinterval 300
                -logintimeout 3000
                -maxbcpthreads 1
                -maxdeliveredtransactions 0
                -querytimeout 3600
                -transactionsperhistory 100
    2017-02-15 04:13:42.017 Connecting to Subscriber 'Subscriber_server'
    2017-02-15 04:13:42.735 Initializing
    2017-02-15 04:13:43.064
    42000 The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command. 20598
    2017-02-15 04:13:43.064
    42000 The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command. 20598

    Sundar S

  • Do you have any rows in msrepl_errors?
    That's the only place I'm aware of that you can get the transaction number for the error.
    Do you have any maintenance window to reinitialize the subscription?
    Also what version of SQL Server 2008 are you running?


  • Did you check in MSRepl_commands and MSRepl_transactions tables in distribution database?

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