March 3, 2009 at 4:05 pm
I was hoping for some help on a problem that I obviously can't solve on my own. I have not been able to find out how to create a comma separated list as in this case for the multiple locations that sharing the same Id. My intention is retrieve a result with a single systemid for multiple locations and using the true systemId and NOT a created Identity ID column to join to other tables.
I have in the past used functions or Cursors to solve this problem but I really would like to see how to do this without it. I know that the code beneath that I posted doesn't work but perhaps you can tell what I'm after. If I uncomment the where clause it will work for just that single systemid. I expect something like this
SystemID, Locations
1001, CA,ML,IL
1002, CA,FL
DECLARE @ID varchar(4000)
,@Locations VARCHAR(8000)
SELECT @ID = systemid
,@Locations = COALESCE(@Locations + ', ','')+ CAST(Locations AS VARCHAR(100) )
FROM table Address
--where systemid = '4903'
SELECT @ID,@Locations
Thanks for taking a look at it in advance it is really appreciated.
March 3, 2009 at 7:38 pm
Roger, Is this the sort of thing you are after?
create table #Address (systemID int, Locations varchar(16))
insert #Address select 1001, 'CA'
union all select 1001, 'ML'
union all select 1001, 'IL'
union all select 1002, 'CA'
union all select 1002, 'FL'
select systemID, assad = (select ',' + Locations from #Address WHERE systemID = A1.systemID FOR XML PATH('') )
from #Address A1
Bevan Keighley
March 3, 2009 at 7:41 pm
I should have tidied that up a bit...
select systemID, locations = substring((select ',' + Locations from #Address WHERE systemID = A1.systemID FOR XML PATH('')),2,1024)
from #Address A1
March 3, 2009 at 8:19 pm
Bevan keighley (3/3/2009)
I should have tidied that up a bit...
select systemID, locations = substring((select ',' + Locations from #Address WHERE systemID = A1.systemID FOR XML PATH('')),2,1024)
from #Address A1
Slightly different way of cleaning up the leading comma:
create table #Address (systemID int, Locations varchar(16))
insert #Address select 1001, 'CA'
union all select 1001, 'ML'
union all select 1001, 'IL'
union all select 1002, 'CA'
union all select 1002, 'FL'
select systemID, assad = stuff((select ',' + Locations from #Address WHERE systemID = A1.systemID FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')
from #Address A1
drop table #Address
March 3, 2009 at 9:29 pm
Lynn Pettis (3/3/2009)
Bevan keighley (3/3/2009)
I should have tidied that up a bit...
select systemID, locations = substring((select ',' + Locations from #Address WHERE systemID = A1.systemID FOR XML PATH('')),2,1024)
from #Address A1
Slightly different way of cleaning up the leading comma:
create table #Address (systemID int, Locations varchar(16))
insert #Address select 1001, 'CA'
union all select 1001, 'ML'
union all select 1001, 'IL'
union all select 1002, 'CA'
union all select 1002, 'FL'
select systemID, assad = stuff((select ',' + Locations from #Address WHERE systemID = A1.systemID FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')
from #Address A1
drop table #Address
And one more way is
select systemID, assad = REPLACE((select Locations AS 'data()'
from #Address
WHERE systemID = A1.systemID
FOR XML PATH('')),' ',',')
from #Address A1
Of course it well fail if there are spaces in between the values of Locations column.
John Smith
March 4, 2009 at 11:22 am
Hmm, interesting I have never used "FOR xml path" before. However, It return this uggly error. Thanks for your respond.
Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 9
Line 9: Incorrect syntax near 'XML'.
March 4, 2009 at 11:30 am
What version of SQL Server are you currently running?
March 4, 2009 at 11:48 am
Hi Lynn,
Thanks for your help on this I really appreciate it. I'm using SQL2005. Any ideas?
March 4, 2009 at 11:56 am
My first thought was that you were using SQL Server 2000 and had posted in erronously in a SQL Server 2005 forum, but that isn't the case.
Could you post the code you are getting the error with please. I worked with the code earlier in the thread with no problems at all.
I just cut and pasted my code from above and it worked no problems. Looking at your code may help.
March 4, 2009 at 12:03 pm
I'm just using the snippet that is posted, the only difference is that I declared the table instead.
declare @Address table
(systemID int, Locations varchar(16))
insert into @Address select 1001, 'CA'
union all select 1001, 'ML'
union all select 1001, 'IL'
union all select 1002, 'CA'
union all select 1002, 'FL'
select systemID, assad = stuff((select ',' + Locations from @Address WHERE systemID = A1.systemID FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')
from @Address A1
March 4, 2009 at 12:09 pm
Code ran just fine on my system. What is the compatability level of your database?
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