combining XML tags

  • I wish I could say definitively...I just know that ADO.NET handles it and OLE DB [may] not. I say [may] because I haven't isolated any cases when you can use OLE DB with XML, but don't know if you can or cannot. It might be the fact that XML data types contain the UTF-16 BOM, or maybe its that the XML cannot be de-serialized into a string through an OLE data access layer, but those are just guesses.

    I try to stick to ADO.NET connections where possible...I have found that type conversions from ADO.NET data types to SSIS data types are much cleaner than from OLE DB to SSIS. I don't have any stories about an OLE DB connector doing something better than an ADO.NET connector.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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