Combining records

  • Our company downloads AS400 files to SQL tables using SQL DTS.  We have an acknowledgement file that uses order_number, order_type, and line_number as the unique key.  Each record also has a reference field. 

    I need help in using DTS, a stored_procedure, or an active script to concatenate the reference field for uninque keys.

    So if three records have the same order_number, order_type, and line_number ,  I need to create one record and concantenate each reference field. 


    record1 Order_number- 123, order_type -SO, line_number-1, ref.- abc

    record2 Order_number- 123, order_type -SO, line_number-1, ref. - 456

    record3 Order_number- 123, order_type -SO, line_number-1, ref.- ups


    The output result should be

    new record- order_number- 123, order_type-SO, line_number-1, ref.-abc 456 ups.

  • Well, I don't see a way to do this in one easy step.  So, I would load the AS400 data into a staging table.

    From the staging table, you may need to then populate another table that crosstabs the data from the original staging table.  Then, you can query from that to populate the final destination table.

    Hope this helps.


  • This might do it for you:

    1. Create a master list of order-number-type-lines:

    CREATE TABLE orderLines (

     order_number INT

     order_type   VARCHAR(10)

     line_number  INT

     all_refs     VARCHAR(255) )


    INSERT INTO orderLines

    SELECT DISTINCT order_number, order_type, line_number, ""

    FROM acknowledgements

    2. Append all the references:

    UPDATE orderLines

    SET all_refs=LTRIM(ord.all_refs + " ") + ack.ref

    FROM orderLines AS ord

    JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT order_number, order_type, line_number, ref

          FROM acknowledgements) AS ack

    ON ord.order_number = ack.order_number

     AND ord.order_type = ack.order_type

     AND ord.line_number = ack.line_number



    Bob Monahon

  • Thanks for the suggestion, but the results were not as expected.  The output result was one record for each unique order_number, line_number, and order_type, but reinfo fields are not concat. 

    For example if there were 10 records for with unique order_number, line_number, and order_type, but different refinfo fields only one refinfo field is shown on the record.   

  • This may help.  It is not glamorous but it should do the trick.


    declare @OrderNumber int, @PrevOrderNumber int

    declare @OrderType Varchar(10),@PrevOrderType Varchar(10)

    declare @LineNumber int,@PrevLineNumber int

    declare @refs varchar(10)

    declare @NewRefs varchar(100)

    declare curOrderLines cursor for

    select order_number,order_type,line_number, refs from OrderLines

    order by order_number,order_type,line_number

    Open curOrderLines

    fetch curOrderLines into @OrderNumber, @OrderType, @LineNumber, @refs

    select @PrevOrderNumber = @OrderNumber, @PrevOrderType = @OrderType, @PrevLineNumber = @LineNumber

    select @NewRefs = ''

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0



     IF  @OrderNumber = @PrevOrderNumber and @OrderType = @PrevOrderType and @LineNumber = @PrevLineNumber


      select @NewRefs = @NewRefs + @refs




      insert into OrderLinesNew values(@PrevOrderNumber, @PrevOrderType, @PrevLineNumber,@NewRefs)

      select @PrevOrderNumber = @OrderNumber, @PrevOrderType = @OrderType, @PrevLineNumber = @LineNumber

      select @NewRefs = @refs



     fetch curOrderLines into @OrderNumber, @OrderType, @LineNumber, @refs



    insert into OrderLinesNew values(@PrevOrderNumber, @PrevOrderType, @PrevLineNumber,@NewRefs)

    CLOSE curOrderLines

    deallocate curOrderLines


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