Combined Ranking

  • Maybe this?

    DECLARE @Tmp TABLE(fruit VARCHAR(50),shop VARCHAR(10),preference INT, qty INT)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('orange','shop 1',1 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('orange','shop 2',2 ,3)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('orange','shop 3',3 ,5)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('orange','shop 4',4 ,3)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('orange','shop 5',5 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('apple','shop 5',1 ,1)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('apple','shop 5',2 ,1)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('strawberry','shop 1',1 ,5000)

    DECLARE @purchase TABLE(fruit nvarchar(50), findqty INT)

    INSERT INTO @purchase (fruit,findqty)

    VALUES ( 'orange', 10 )

    ,( 'apple', 4 )

    ,( 'strawberry', 4 )


    explodedData AS (

    SELECT r.*

    FROM @Tmp AS r

    INNER JOIN @purchase p ON r.fruit = p.fruit

    INNER JOIN tally AS t ON r.qty >= t.n


    rankedData AS (

    SELECT t.*,p.findqty, RN = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY t.fruit ORDER BY CASE WHEN t.qty >= p.findqty THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC, t.preference)

    FROM explodedData AS t INNER JOIN @purchase p ON p.fruit = t.fruit


    assignedStock AS (

    SELECT fruit, shop, preference, qty AS shop_qty, COUNT(*) AS needed_quantity, MIN(findqty) AS total_needed

    FROM rankedData

    WHERE qty > 0 AND RN <= findqty

    GROUP BY fruit, shop, preference, qty


    intermediateData AS (

    SELECT *, SUM(needed_quantity) OVER(PARTITION BY fruit) AS total_found

    FROM assignedStock


    SELECT *

    FROM intermediateData




    'unassigned' AS shop,

    0 AS preference,

    0 AS shop_qty,

    total_needed - total_found AS needed_quantity,


    0 AS total_found

    FROM intermediateData

    WHERE total_needed > total_found

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • spaghettidba (6/24/2015)

    Maybe this?

    DECLARE @Tmp TABLE(fruit VARCHAR(50),shop VARCHAR(10),preference INT, qty INT)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('orange','shop 1',1 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('orange','shop 2',2 ,3)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('orange','shop 3',3 ,5)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('orange','shop 4',4 ,3)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('orange','shop 5',5 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('apple','shop 5',1 ,1)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('apple','shop 5',2 ,1)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp(fruit,shop,preference,qty) VALUES ('strawberry','shop 1',1 ,5000)

    DECLARE @purchase TABLE(fruit nvarchar(50), findqty INT)

    INSERT INTO @purchase (fruit,findqty)

    VALUES ( 'orange', 10 )

    ,( 'apple', 4 )

    ,( 'strawberry', 4 )


    explodedData AS (

    SELECT r.*

    FROM @Tmp AS r

    INNER JOIN @purchase p ON r.fruit = p.fruit

    INNER JOIN tally AS t ON r.qty >= t.n


    rankedData AS (

    SELECT t.*,p.findqty, RN = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY t.fruit ORDER BY CASE WHEN t.qty >= p.findqty THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC, t.preference)

    FROM explodedData AS t INNER JOIN @purchase p ON p.fruit = t.fruit


    assignedStock AS (

    SELECT fruit, shop, preference, qty AS shop_qty, COUNT(*) AS needed_quantity, MIN(findqty) AS total_needed

    FROM rankedData

    WHERE qty > 0 AND RN <= findqty

    GROUP BY fruit, shop, preference, qty


    intermediateData AS (

    SELECT *, SUM(needed_quantity) OVER(PARTITION BY fruit) AS total_found

    FROM assignedStock


    SELECT *

    FROM intermediateData




    'unassigned' AS shop,

    0 AS preference,

    0 AS shop_qty,

    total_needed - total_found AS needed_quantity,


    0 AS total_found

    FROM intermediateData

    WHERE total_needed > total_found

    Wow! you rock, this looks like it work very well indeed. Thankyou! I wasn't aware that you could reference a result set earlier up in the CTE chain using the UNION like that.

  • I wonder how a rCTE version would fare, in terms of performance?

    DECLARE @Tmp TABLE (fruit VARCHAR(50), shop VARCHAR(10), preference INT, InStock INT)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 1',1 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 2',2 ,3)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 3',3 ,5)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 4',4 ,3)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 5',5 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('apple','shop 5',1 ,1)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('apple','shop 5',2 ,1)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('strawberry','shop 1',1 ,5000);

    DECLARE @purchase TABLE (fruit varchar(50), OrderQuantity INT)

    INSERT INTO @purchase (fruit, OrderQuantity)

    VALUES ( 'orange', 10 )

    ,( 'apple', 4 )

    ,( 'strawberry', 5001 );


    IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb..#StreamedData') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #StreamedData;


    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit ORDER BY s.Preference),

    s.*, p.OrderQuantity

    INTO #StreamedData

    FROM @Tmp s

    INNER JOIN @purchase p ON p.fruit = s.fruit;

    WITH Calculator AS (

    SELECT tr.rn, tr.fruit,, tr.preference, tr.InStock, tr.OrderQuantity,

    ReservedFromShop = CASE WHEN tr.OrderQuantity > tr.InStock THEN tr.InStock ELSE tr.OrderQuantity END,

    Outstanding = CASE WHEN tr.OrderQuantity > tr.InStock THEN tr.OrderQuantity - tr.InStock ELSE 0 END

    FROM #StreamedData tr

    WHERE rn = 1


    SELECT tr.rn, tr.fruit,, tr.preference, tr.InStock, tr.OrderQuantity,

    ReservedFromShop = CASE WHEN lr.Outstanding > tr.InStock THEN tr.InStock ELSE lr.Outstanding END,

    Outstanding = CASE WHEN lr.Outstanding > tr.InStock THEN lr.Outstanding - tr.InStock ELSE 0 END

    FROM #StreamedData tr -- this row

    INNER JOIN Calculator lr -- last row

    ON lr.fruit = tr.fruit

    AND lr.rn+1 = tr.rn


    SELECT *

    FROM Calculator

    ORDER BY fruit, rn;

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work (6/24/2015)

    I wonder how a rCTE version would fare, in terms of performance?

    Brilliant! Works like a treat!

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • spaghettidba (6/24/2015)

    ChrisM@Work (6/24/2015)

    I wonder how a rCTE version would fare, in terms of performance?

    Brilliant! Works like a treat!

    I've recently implemented a solution here which is essentially the same as the one posted and out of the box it's "quick enough". With a clustered index on the temp table partitions (in this thread, "fruit") + rn it's proper speedy.

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work (6/24/2015)

    I wonder how a rCTE version would fare, in terms of performance?

    Very cool πŸ™‚

    I've amended the code to pull in unassigned order quantities similar to spaghetti's output πŸ™‚

    DECLARE @Tmp TABLE (fruit VARCHAR(50), shop VARCHAR(10), preference INT, InStock INT)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 1',1 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 2',2 ,3)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 3',3 ,5)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 4',4 ,3)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 5',5 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('apple','shop 5',1 ,1)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('apple','shop 5',2 ,1)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('strawberry','shop 1',1 ,5000);

    DECLARE @purchase TABLE (fruit varchar(50), OrderQuantity INT)

    INSERT INTO @purchase (fruit, OrderQuantity)

    VALUES ( 'orange', 10 )

    ,( 'apple', 4 )

    ,( 'strawberry', 5001 );


    IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb..#StreamedData') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #StreamedData;


    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit ORDER BY s.Preference),

    s.*, p.OrderQuantity

    INTO #StreamedData

    FROM @Tmp s INNER JOIN @purchase p ON p.fruit = s.fruit;

    WITH Calculator AS (

    SELECT tr.rn, tr.fruit,, tr.preference, tr.InStock, tr.OrderQuantity,

    ReservedFromShop = CASE WHEN tr.OrderQuantity > tr.InStock THEN tr.InStock ELSE tr.OrderQuantity END,

    Outstanding = CASE WHEN tr.OrderQuantity > tr.InStock THEN tr.OrderQuantity - tr.InStock ELSE 0 END

    FROM #StreamedData tr

    WHERE rn = 1


    SELECT tr.rn, tr.fruit,, tr.preference, tr.InStock, tr.OrderQuantity,

    ReservedFromShop = CASE WHEN lr.Outstanding > tr.InStock THEN tr.InStock ELSE lr.Outstanding END,

    Outstanding = CASE WHEN lr.Outstanding > tr.InStock THEN lr.Outstanding - tr.InStock ELSE 0 END

    FROM #StreamedData tr -- this row

    INNER JOIN Calculator lr -- last row

    ON lr.fruit = tr.fruit

    AND lr.rn + 1 = tr.rn


    SELECT * FROM Calculator


    SELECT rn,fruit,'unassigned' AS shop,c.preference,c.InStock,c.OrderQuantity,c.ReservedFromShop,c.Outstanding FROM Calculator c

    WHERE rn in (SELECT MAX(rn) FROM Calculator c1 WHERE c.fruit = c1.fruit)

    AND c.Outstanding > 0

    ORDER BY fruit, rn;

  • bugg (6/25/2015)

    ChrisM@Work (6/24/2015)

    I wonder how a rCTE version would fare, in terms of performance?

    Very cool πŸ™‚

    I've amended the code to pull in unassigned order quantities similar to spaghetti's output πŸ™‚

    DECLARE @Tmp TABLE (fruit VARCHAR(50), shop VARCHAR(10), preference INT, InStock INT)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 1',1 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 2',2 ,3)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 3',3 ,5)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 4',4 ,3)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop 5',5 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('apple','shop 5',1 ,1)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('apple','shop 5',2 ,1)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('strawberry','shop 1',1 ,5000);

    DECLARE @purchase TABLE (fruit varchar(50), OrderQuantity INT)

    INSERT INTO @purchase (fruit, OrderQuantity)

    VALUES ( 'orange', 10 )

    ,( 'apple', 4 )

    ,( 'strawberry', 5001 );


    IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb..#StreamedData') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #StreamedData;


    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit ORDER BY s.Preference),

    s.*, p.OrderQuantity

    INTO #StreamedData

    FROM @Tmp s INNER JOIN @purchase p ON p.fruit = s.fruit;

    WITH Calculator AS (

    SELECT tr.rn, tr.fruit,, tr.preference, tr.InStock, tr.OrderQuantity,

    ReservedFromShop = CASE WHEN tr.OrderQuantity > tr.InStock THEN tr.InStock ELSE tr.OrderQuantity END,

    Outstanding = CASE WHEN tr.OrderQuantity > tr.InStock THEN tr.OrderQuantity - tr.InStock ELSE 0 END

    FROM #StreamedData tr

    WHERE rn = 1


    SELECT tr.rn, tr.fruit,, tr.preference, tr.InStock, tr.OrderQuantity,

    ReservedFromShop = CASE WHEN lr.Outstanding > tr.InStock THEN tr.InStock ELSE lr.Outstanding END,

    Outstanding = CASE WHEN lr.Outstanding > tr.InStock THEN lr.Outstanding - tr.InStock ELSE 0 END

    FROM #StreamedData tr -- this row

    INNER JOIN Calculator lr -- last row

    ON lr.fruit = tr.fruit

    AND lr.rn + 1 = tr.rn


    SELECT * FROM Calculator


    SELECT rn,fruit,'unassigned' AS shop,c.preference,c.InStock,c.OrderQuantity,c.ReservedFromShop,c.Outstanding FROM Calculator c

    WHERE rn in (SELECT MAX(rn) FROM Calculator c1 WHERE c.fruit = c1.fruit)

    AND c.Outstanding > 0

    ORDER BY fruit, rn;

    Try creating MAX(rn) in the source table #StreamedData: COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY ...) - it's "cleaner" and probably much cheaper 😎

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Try creating MAX(rn) in the source table #StreamedData: COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY ...) - it's "cleaner" and probably much cheaper 😎

    Something like this:

    SELECT *,max(rn) over(partition by fruit) AS max_rn INTO #StreamedData




    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit ORDER BY s.Preference),


    FROM @Tmp s

    INNER JOIN @purchase p ON p.fruit = s.fruit


  • Yes, or this which looks a little cleaner:


    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit ORDER BY s.Preference),

    max_rn = COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit),



    INTO #StreamedData

    FROM @Tmp s

    INNER JOIN @purchase p

    ON p.fruit = s.fruit

    -- This unique clustered index will make the query sing.

    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX ucx_Helper ON #StreamedData (fruit, rn)

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work (6/25/2015)

    Yes, or this which looks a little cleaner:


    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit ORDER BY s.Preference),

    max_rn = COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit),



    INTO #StreamedData

    FROM @Tmp s

    INNER JOIN @purchase p

    ON p.fruit = s.fruit

    -- This unique clustered index will make the query sing.

    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX ucx_Helper ON #StreamedData (fruit, rn)

    I really appreciate all the help I've had on this. I've read about how indexes on temp tables are one of the benefits of a temp table. This is probably a silly question but if this code is going to be called frequently, a few times a second would creating an index each time be okay?

  • bugg (6/25/2015)

    ChrisM@Work (6/25/2015)

    Yes, or this which looks a little cleaner:


    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit ORDER BY s.Preference),

    max_rn = COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit),



    INTO #StreamedData

    FROM @Tmp s

    INNER JOIN @purchase p

    ON p.fruit = s.fruit

    -- This unique clustered index will make the query sing.

    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX ucx_Helper ON #StreamedData (fruit, rn)

    I really appreciate all the help I've had on this. I've read about how indexes on temp tables are one of the benefits of a temp table. This is probably a silly question but if this code is going to be called frequently, a few times a second would creating an index each time be okay?

    There's no definitive answer to this. Some folks believe that temporary tables should rarely if ever be indexed. In this instance you are likely to find an improvement. You should always test, using a dataset representative of what you expect to have in production, and include the time taken for creating the index.

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hi All,

    I've added in a stock check which will override preference if all stock can be found in one location

    CASE WHEN s.InStock >= p.OrderQuantity THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC

    Which works fine for individual products , where ReserveFromShop > 0 code below.

    DECLARE @Tmp TABLE (fruit VARCHAR(50), shop VARCHAR(10), preference INT, InStock INT)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop1',1 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop2',2 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('apple','shop2',1 ,5)

    DECLARE @purchase TABLE (fruit varchar(50), OrderQuantity INT)

    INSERT INTO @purchase (fruit, OrderQuantity)

    VALUES ( 'orange', 2 )

    ,( 'apple', 4 )


    IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb..#rankedData') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #rankedData;

    SELECT rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit ORDER BY CASE WHEN s.InStock >= p.OrderQuantity THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC,s.Preference),


    ,max_rn = COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit)

    INTO #rankedData

    FROM @Tmp s

    INNER JOIN @purchase p ON p.fruit = s.fruit

    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX ucx_Helper ON #rankedData (fruit, rn)

    ;WITH stockCalc AS (

    SELECT tr.rn, tr.fruit,, tr.preference, tr.InStock, tr.OrderQuantity, tr.max_rn,

    ReservedFromShop = CASE WHEN tr.OrderQuantity > tr.InStock THEN tr.InStock ELSE tr.OrderQuantity END,

    Outstanding = CASE WHEN tr.OrderQuantity > tr.InStock THEN tr.OrderQuantity - tr.InStock ELSE 0 END

    FROM #rankedData tr

    WHERE rn = 1


    SELECT tr.rn, tr.fruit,, tr.preference, tr.InStock, tr.OrderQuantity, tr.max_rn,

    ReservedFromShop = CASE WHEN lr.Outstanding > tr.InStock THEN tr.InStock ELSE lr.Outstanding END,

    Outstanding = CASE WHEN lr.Outstanding > tr.InStock THEN lr.Outstanding - tr.InStock ELSE 0 END

    FROM #rankedData tr -- this row

    INNER JOIN stockCalc lr -- last row

    ON lr.fruit = tr.fruit

    AND lr.rn + 1 = tr.rn


    SELECT * FROM stockCalc


    SELECT rn,fruit,'unassigned' AS shop,c.preference,c.InStock,c.OrderQuantity,c.ReservedFromShop,c.Outstanding, c.max_rn

    FROM stockCalc c

    WHERE rn = max_rn AND c.Outstanding > 0

    ORDER BY fruit, rn;

    DROP TABLE #rankedData;

    But if i can find all fruit at one shop that should override all shop preferences and stock per fruit, so the fruit is not coming from multiple shops. In the output of the above code the orange should come from shop2 as this is where stock for the apple is.:crazy:

  • Okay this is the best solution I could come up with:

    DECLARE @fruit_shop TABLE (shop NVARCHAR(10))

    INSERT INTO @fruit_shop VALUES ('shop1'), ('shop2')

    DECLARE @Tmp TABLE (fruit VARCHAR(50), shop VARCHAR(10), preference INT, InStock INT)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop1',1 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('orange','shop2',2 ,4)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (fruit,shop,preference,InStock) VALUES ('apple','shop2',1 ,5)

    DECLARE @purchase TABLE (fruit varchar(50), OrderQuantity INT)

    INSERT INTO @purchase (fruit, OrderQuantity)

    VALUES ( 'orange', 2 )

    ,( 'apple', 4 )

    DECLARE @tmp_new TABLE (fruit VARCHAR(50), shop VARCHAR(10), preference INT, InStock INT, purchase_qty INT)

    INSERT INTO @tmp_new(fruit,shop,preference,InStock,purchase_qty)

    SELECT stk.fruit,,ISNULL(t.preference,9999),ISNULL(t.InStock,0),stk.OrderQuantity FROM

    (SELECT shop,fruit,OrderQuantity FROM @fruit_shop, @purchase)stk

    LEFT JOIN @Tmp t ON stk.fruit = t.fruit AND =

    DECLARE @shop-2 NVARCHAR(50) = NULL;


    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM(SELECT shop, CASE WHEN instock-purchase_qty > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END stock_flag FROM @tmp_new shop)r GROUP BY shop HAVING SUM(r.stock_flag) = COUNT(

    AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM(SELECT shop, CASE WHEN instock-purchase_qty > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END stock_flag FROM @tmp_new shop)r GROUP BY shop HAVING SUM(r.stock_flag) <> COUNT(


    SET @shop-2 = (SELECT TOP 1 FROM (SELECT shop FROM (SELECT shop, CASE WHEN instock-purchase_qty > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END stock_flag FROM @tmp_new shop)r

    GROUP BY shop HAVING SUM(r.stock_flag) = COUNT( r INNER JOIN @Tmp t ON = ORDER BY t.preference)


    ELSE IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM(SELECT shop, CASE WHEN instock-purchase_qty > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END stock_flag FROM @tmp_new shop)r GROUP BY shop HAVING SUM(r.stock_flag) = COUNT(

    AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM(SELECT shop, CASE WHEN instock-purchase_qty > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END stock_flag FROM @tmp_new shop)r GROUP BY shop HAVING SUM(r.stock_flag) <> COUNT(


    SET @shop-2 = (SELECT TOP 1 shop FROM @Tmp t ORDER BY t.preference)



    IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb..#rankedData') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #rankedData;

    SELECT rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit ORDER BY CASE WHEN s.InStock >= p.OrderQuantity THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC,s.Preference),


    ,max_rn = COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY s.fruit)

    INTO #rankedData

    FROM @Tmp s

    INNER JOIN @purchase p ON p.fruit = s.fruit

    WHERE ( = @shop-2 OR @shop-2 IS NULL)

    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX ucx_Helper ON #rankedData (fruit, rn)

    --SELECT * FROM #rankedData rd LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT shop FROM @Tmp)t ON =

    ;WITH stockCalc AS (

    SELECT tr.rn, tr.fruit,, tr.preference, tr.InStock, tr.OrderQuantity, tr.max_rn,

    ReservedFromShop = CASE WHEN tr.OrderQuantity > tr.InStock THEN tr.InStock ELSE tr.OrderQuantity END,

    Outstanding = CASE WHEN tr.OrderQuantity > tr.InStock THEN tr.OrderQuantity - tr.InStock ELSE 0 END

    FROM #rankedData tr

    WHERE rn = 1


    SELECT tr.rn, tr.fruit,, tr.preference, tr.InStock, tr.OrderQuantity, tr.max_rn,

    ReservedFromShop = CASE WHEN lr.Outstanding > tr.InStock THEN tr.InStock ELSE lr.Outstanding END,

    Outstanding = CASE WHEN lr.Outstanding > tr.InStock THEN lr.Outstanding - tr.InStock ELSE 0 END

    FROM #rankedData tr -- this row

    INNER JOIN stockCalc lr -- last row

    ON lr.fruit = tr.fruit

    AND lr.rn + 1 = tr.rn


    SELECT * FROM stockCalc


    SELECT rn,fruit,'unassigned' AS shop,c.preference,c.InStock,c.OrderQuantity,c.ReservedFromShop,c.Outstanding, c.max_rn

    FROM stockCalc c

    WHERE rn = max_rn AND c.Outstanding > 0

    ORDER BY fruit, rn;

    DROP TABLE #rankedData;

Viewing 13 posts - 31 through 42 (of 42 total)

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