Combine two similar rows into one row with an extra field

  • Hi All,

    OK let me see if I can explain the problem. I have some SQL in an SSRS report that I've been asked to modify, essentialy it's looking at all the payments coming in and out, It lists various fields such as Currency, who's on the other side of the deal, Amounts etc.

    The DB has two tables that are used. Table A contains all the transactions that are yet to clear and Table B contains the cleared transactions. There is a big Union query in the report and it gets out all the data in a similar format to this...


    Our SideTheir Side Rate AmountStatus

    Our CorpTheir Company 1.26 100000 Cleared

    Our CorpTheir Company 1.26 34976 Pending

    ...there are a lot more fields than that but essentially the difference between each row is what the status is and obv the amount).

    What they want to do is have all the data on the same row (they're exporting out to CSV so this is important for them) and instead have this kind of arrangement...


    Our SideTheir Side Rate Amount ClearedAmount pending

    Our CorpTheir Company 1.26 100000 34976

    So I'll need to create a new field and have the logic behind it either in the Sql query or SSRS to only display a single row .

    It's a pretty huge Union query with all the different fields so the less changes I have to do the better and if you could explain it like you're talking to a 5 year old that would be great as I'm new to this 😀

    I feel this should be really easy but I just can't seem to find out how to do it and time is running out.

    All help greatly Appreciated.

  • as a start... lets assume you have something like the moment we have nothing to work with.

    is this anywhere close to being representative of your data?

    pls amend accordingly and post back...we can then maybe help you a little faster and more accurate.

    We will also need the results you expect based on the sample data.

    Any probs pls post back

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Cleared](

    [CompanyID] [int] NULL,

    [Rate] [decimal](10, 4) NULL,

    [Amount] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Cleared]([CompanyID], [Rate], [Amount])

    SELECT 1, 1.2600, 100000 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 1.2400, 50000 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 1.2800, 200000 UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 1.2300, 400000

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Pending](

    [CompanyID] [int] NULL,

    [Rate] [decimal](10, 4) NULL,

    [Amount] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Pending]([CompanyID], [Rate], [Amount])

    SELECT 1, 1.1800, 50000 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 1.3200, 250000 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 1.3100, 400000 UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 1.2900, 300000

    SELECT CompanyID, Rate, Amount, 'Cleared' AS Status

    FROM Cleared


    SELECT CompanyID, Rate, Amount, 'Pending' AS Status

    FROM Pending

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Hi There,

    Thanks for the replys and apologies for not following the board etiquette, lets see if I can remedy that with this question.

    OK so I've looked at these suggestions and others online and come up with something that works. Horray 😀 the other thing I need to do is convert positives to negatives depending on direction and then sum this up (all table values are positive but the direction of the transaction dictates whether I should display as a negative or not.

    So my code looks like this....

    Select CCy,

    Max(Case Status WHEN 'enRoute' THEN Sum ELSE '' END) as AmountenRoute,

    Max(Case Status WHEN 'Arrived' THEN Sum Else '' END) as AmountArrived

    from (

    Select Currency as CCy, Status,Sum(

    CASE WHEN Table1.ReceivingParty = 'Them' THEN table1.Amount * (-1) ELSE table1.Amount END

    ) as sum

    from Table1

    Group By Currency, Status, ReceivingParty


    Select CurrencyId as Ccy, 'arrived' as Status, Sum(

    CASE WHEN table2.direction = 'sent' THEN table2.amount * (-1) ELSE table2.amount END) AS Sum

    from table2

    Group By CurrencyID, Status, direction


    Group By CCy

    So when I first did this I just had Sum(amount) and it works fine with the expected result set once I add the case statement in I find zero values where I previously had values. If I remove just the * (-1) part I get the values back (but obviously a sum of all positive values and so sometimes incorrect).

    I've tried all kinds of variations with brackets and ABS() but I just get zero's back when I try this logic. I'm sure it's something obvious but I can't see the solution.

    Any ideas?

  • declare @testtable table (name varchar(25), name1 varchar(max),rate decimal(10,2),Amount int,status varchar(25))

    declare @testtable1 table (id int, date1 varchar(max))

    declare @date1 varchar(max)

    declare @i int =1

    insert into @testtable values('Our Corp','Their Company',1.26,100000,'Cleared')

    insert into @testtable values('Our Corp','Their Company',1.26,34976,'Pending')

    insert into @testtable values('Our Corp1','Their Company1',2.30,100,'Cleared')

    insert into @testtable values('Our Corp1','Their Company1',2.30,34,'Pending')

    insert into @testtable values('Our Corp1','Their Company1',2.30,345,'Completed')

    Select * from @testtable

    Select name,name1,rate,Cleared,Pending,Completed FROM

    (Select name,name1,rate,amount,status

    FROM @testtable ) P


    (SUM(Amount) FOR status in (Cleared,Pending,Completed))Q


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