combine two queries into one

  • something like this i think?









    from Rentals Rented

    LEft Outer Join Rentals Returned

    ON Rented.make = Returned.make

    AND Rented.model = Returned.model

    AND Rented.year = Returned.year

    AND Rented.location = Returned.location

    AND Rented.agent = Returned.agent

    where Rented.status = 'rented'

    and (Returned.status = 'returned'

    or Returned.status is null)


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • SQL_NuB (6/14/2012)

    SQLKnowItAll (6/14/2012)

    SQL_NuB (6/14/2012)

    SQLKnowItAll (6/14/2012)

    SQL_NuB (6/14/2012)

    Lynn Pettis (6/14/2012)

    SQL_NuB (6/14/2012)

    [OR] clause didn't work, that's the first thing I tried prior to asking.

    The data returned is going to be used on reports so no filtering right now, just put on the report under that particular section.

    I'm confused. This didn't work (what ever that means):

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'returned' OR status = 'rented'

    But each of these does:

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'returned'

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'rented'

    The [or] returned me too many records when I should only see 345 in total

    Hmm... That's quite impossible. What do you get with this?

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'returned'


    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'rented'

    Again, it is impossible for those other to return separate data. Unless there is something else you are not telling us. Can you please provide DDL for the tables ans sample (not real) data?

    How is it impossible? the where clause is different in each query so that would return different results. So I'm confused by that statement.

    It is impossible because a query with where status = 'returned' combined with where status = 'rented' is the exact same as where status = 'returned' OR status = 'rented. It is also EXACTLY the same as WHERE status IN ('returned', 'rented'). The logic to return rows is exactly the same when your 2 queries are combined.

    I don't know then, because when I run the query with [OR] it returns me more rows then when I run the 2 queries seperate.

    Then you are not giving us the entire query. What else is missing?

    CE - Microsoft

  • SQLKnowItAll (6/14/2012)

    SQL_NuB (6/14/2012)

    SQLKnowItAll (6/14/2012)

    SQL_NuB (6/14/2012)

    SQLKnowItAll (6/14/2012)

    SQL_NuB (6/14/2012)

    Lynn Pettis (6/14/2012)

    SQL_NuB (6/14/2012)

    [OR] clause didn't work, that's the first thing I tried prior to asking.

    The data returned is going to be used on reports so no filtering right now, just put on the report under that particular section.

    I'm confused. This didn't work (what ever that means):

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'returned' OR status = 'rented'

    But each of these does:

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'returned'

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'rented'

    The [or] returned me too many records when I should only see 345 in total

    Hmm... That's quite impossible. What do you get with this?

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'returned'


    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'rented'

    Again, it is impossible for those other to return separate data. Unless there is something else you are not telling us. Can you please provide DDL for the tables ans sample (not real) data?

    How is it impossible? the where clause is different in each query so that would return different results. So I'm confused by that statement.

    It is impossible because a query with where status = 'returned' combined with where status = 'rented' is the exact same as where status = 'returned' OR status = 'rented. It is also EXACTLY the same as WHERE status IN ('returned', 'rented'). The logic to return rows is exactly the same when your 2 queries are combined.

    I don't know then, because when I run the query with [OR] it returns me more rows then when I run the 2 queries seperate.

    Then you are not giving us the entire query. What else is missing?

    that's it, that's the query as I copied it from the MS Access applicatioin.

  • SQL_NuB (6/14/2012)

    SQLKnowItAll (6/14/2012)

    SQL_NuB (6/14/2012)

    SQLKnowItAll (6/14/2012)

    SQL_NuB (6/14/2012)

    Lynn Pettis (6/14/2012)

    SQL_NuB (6/14/2012)

    [OR] clause didn't work, that's the first thing I tried prior to asking.

    The data returned is going to be used on reports so no filtering right now, just put on the report under that particular section.

    I'm confused. This didn't work (what ever that means):

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'returned' OR status = 'rented'

    But each of these does:

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'returned'

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'rented'

    The [or] returned me too many records when I should only see 345 in total

    Hmm... That's quite impossible. What do you get with this?

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'returned'


    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'rented'

    Again, it is impossible for those other to return separate data. Unless there is something else you are not telling us. Can you please provide DDL for the tables ans sample (not real) data?

    How is it impossible? the where clause is different in each query so that would return different results. So I'm confused by that statement.

    It is impossible because a query with where status = 'returned' combined with where status = 'rented' is the exact same as where status = 'returned' OR status = 'rented. It is also EXACTLY the same as WHERE status IN ('returned', 'rented'). The logic to return rows is exactly the same when your 2 queries are combined.

    I don't know then, because when I run the query with [OR] it returns me more rows then when I run the 2 queries seperate.

    Then we aren't getting the whole story. Combining the WHERE clause to have STATUS = 'RETURNED' or STATUS = 'RENTED" should return the same number of records as each of the individual queries run separately.

    Run the following:

    CREATE TABLE #TestTable(

    TestID INT IDENTITY(1,1),

    [Status] CHAR(16));

    INSERT INTO #TestTable([Status])

    SELECT 'Returned' UNION ALL



    SELECT 'Returned' UNION ALL



    SELECT 'Returned';

    SELECT * FROM #TestTable;

    SELECT * FROM #TestTable WHERE [Status] = 'Returned';

    SELECT * FROM #TestTable WHERE [Status] = 'Rented';

    SELECT * FROM #TestTable WHERE [Status] = 'Returned' OR [Status] = 'Rented';

    DROP TABLE #TestTable;

  • I'd be interested to see an example of a row that is returned using the single statement that is not returned when the statements are separated.

    As has been mentioned, that shouldn't be possible.

  • And please don't misunderstand... We are not saying that you are lying or incompetent or anything. We are saying that something is unbeknownst to us AND probably you that is causing these results. Just wanted to make that clear.

    CE - Microsoft

  • Very Strange! Both OR and Union All should work.;-)

  • Really strange!!

    As Lynn and Jared have stated, the different WHERE clauses use the same logic, therefore they should return the same results.

    Just out of curiosity, can you let us know if any of the following queries return the 346 rows you are expecting?

    -- Query 1

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where (status = 'returned') OR (status = 'rented')

    -- Query 2

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status in ('returned', 'rented')

    -- Query 3

    -- The following may bring other statuses like 'reinstated', 'restored', etc., if these exist

    select status, make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status like 're%t%ed'

    -- Query 4

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'returned'

    union all

    select make, model, year, location, agent

    from Rentals

    where status = 'rented'

    Also, you say these queries return 16 and 330 records when run: in Access or SQL?

    "El" Jerry.

    "El" Jerry.

    "A watt of Ottawa" - Gerardo Galvan

    To better understand your help request, please follow these best practices.[/url]

  • I'll be looking at it again today.

    I get the 16 and 330 when i run the queries in the access app and the against the new sql table I created for these records

  • This is another thing you can do.

    You say your MS Access query is working. In the design view of the query copy the SQL and compare with the SQL Query you are trying in SQL Server. Do you find any difference?

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