combine table data as single string in stored procedure

  • Hi,

    I just want to to find a way to increase the performance of the stored procedure.

    History: I am trying send a mail when my SSIS package execution finishes successfully. That mail needs to be prepared and send to a user.

    I have create package and I have created stored procedure as well.

    Mail preparation is done as follows in SP__

    declare @msg varchar(1000)

    declare @ui varchar(500)

    declare @in varchar(500)

    declare @name varchar(500)

    declare @crdate varchar(500)

    declare @tab cursor

    declare @rc int

    set @msg = 'The Package was successful with the following duplicates'

    set @msg= @msg + char(13) + char(13)

    set @tab= CURSOR FOR select UserInput, EmpNumber,Emp_Name,JoinDate

    from Test_Emp_Dup where Flag = 'false'

    open @tab

    Fetch NEXT from @tab into @ui,@in,@name,@crdate

    While @@FETCH_STATUS=0


    set @msg=@msg + ' ' + @ui + ' ' + @in + ' ' + @name + ' ' + @crdate + char(13)

    Fetch NEXT from @tab into @ui,@in,@name,@crdate


    EXEC @rc=[dbo].[sp_send_cdosysmail] '', '',

    'Package running status',@msg

    -- Here am updating the Flag as True after send the mails in Test_Emp_Dup table

    I am using a cursor for this message preparation as I need to take the values from a table and appened.

    Hence it is recommended that not to use the cursor, the cursor consumes the lot of memory.

    Is there any other way to do this task with out using the cursors?


    can we minimize this code to improve the performance?

    Thanks in advance,


    Thank You

  • Check out this article,, and the discussion that goes with it as there are some other ideas in there as well.

  • Other than Jack's suggestion, I'd be sure you have things indexed to pull the data. If there is a lot of data, you might cover the query.

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