Combine multiple rows into one column

  • Hi, Im pretty sure my header doesn't explain what I need 🙂

    I have a xls sheet with values like this:

    9780431016191 DHodge

    9780431016771 JBailey

    9780431016818 CMacro

    9780431016818 KHartley

    9780431016825 CMacro

    9780431016825 KHartley

    As you can see there are some records where the SKU duplicates for different authors, I want the result to be

    9780431016191 D Hodge

    9780431016771 J Bailey

    9780431016818 C Macro, K Hartley

    9780431016825 C Macro, K Hartley

    any ideas?

    Thank you

  • I am sure Lowell posted the reply for similar issue recently.

    @lowell: Are you here?

  • Jako de Wet (11/15/2011)

    Hi, Im pretty sure my header doesn't explain what I need 🙂

    I have a xls sheet with values like this:

    9780431016191 DHodge

    9780431016771 JBailey

    9780431016818 CMacro

    9780431016818 KHartley

    9780431016825 CMacro

    9780431016825 KHartley

    As you can see there are some records where the SKU duplicates for different authors, I want the result to be

    9780431016191 D Hodge

    9780431016771 J Bailey

    9780431016818 C Macro, K Hartley

    9780431016825 C Macro, K Hartley

    any ideas?

    Thank you

    It's always better to supply your data in a readily consumable format, like this: -

    IF object_id('tempdb..#testEnvironment') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #testEnvironment



    INTO #testEnvironment

    FROM (SELECT 9780431016191, 'D Hodge'

    UNION ALL SELECT 9780431016771, 'J Bailey'

    UNION ALL SELECT 9780431016818, 'C Macro'

    UNION ALL SELECT 9780431016818, 'K Hartley'

    UNION ALL SELECT 9780431016825, 'C Macro'

    UNION ALL SELECT 9780431016825, 'K Hartley') a(ID,NAME)

    OK, on to your code. Using the above table, you'd be looking at this: -


    FROM #testEnvironment r2

    WHERE r2.ID = r1.ID


    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS NAME

    FROM #testEnvironment r1


    Which returns: -


    --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    9780431016191 D Hodge

    9780431016771 J Bailey

    9780431016818 C Macro, K Hartley

    9780431016825 C Macro, K Hartley

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  • wow, that easy!

    thanks for the tip, will keep that in mind, and thanks a lot for the help!

    need to read up on FOR XML

  • Please provide an information wheather there are 3 colums in your sheet or 2 columns .

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