Combine Fields into a Single String

  • I have created a table to create a computed column using one field that has an identity to create autonumber, an additional field to return the identity plus year using the format 0000-00.  The table was designed using the following format:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.ReceiptingAcct


    LogId int NOT Null IDENTITY (1, 1),

    Receipt AS RIGHT('000' + CAST(LogID as varchar(4)),4) + '-' + RIGHT(CAST(DATEPART(yy, LogDate) as varchar(4)),2), LogDate smalldatetime NOT NULL DEFAULT GetDate(),

    OfficeCostCtr  varchar(5)  /*Cost Center Number represents office number or division, e.g., 44135)

    I would like to incorporate the "OfficeCostCtr" into the Receipt, stripping the first two numbers '44' from '44135', and display only the last three numbers.  The catch is to display the OfficeCostCtr number first, followed by the year and then the LogID number.  If the field is viewed displays the following format: 1350400025.  Again, the 135 would be the OfficeCostCtr, 04 displays the current year (2004) and the last five numbers displays the identity field. 

    Using the current table format above, how can I incorporate the OfficeCostCtr into the above format, excluding the + ' - ' + from the format.  I also need to have leading zeros after the year and to have the year increment by 1 for the upcoming year (2005) with the identity field set automatically back to zero.

    If I create a stored procedure to insert a new record.  Do I need to have the LogID, Receipt, OfficeCostCtr should as part of the parameters, since this is being incremented automatically, that does not require users input?

  • Sorry I don't have time to give you any code, but what if you create an INSERT trigger on dbo.ReceiptingAcct?  You can slice and dice the data you inserted into a local variable, then update the Receipt column.

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • Would I use the DECLARE @Receipt, @OfficeCostCtr, then use SET @Receipt = SELECT etc.

    I've never used a variable before, so I'm not sure how to use it in a TRIGGER.    Sorry!

  • OK, assuming you are inserting one row at a time within a transaction scope (otherwise the trigger as I have written it will puke on too many rows returned) like so:


    INSERT INTO dbo.ReceiptingAcct (Receipt, LogDate, OfficeCostCtr)

    VALUES ('AlmostDone', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '44135')


    The update trigger should look like so (no, I didn't test it):

    CREATE TRIGGER ON dbo.ReceiptingAcct


    DECLARE @Receipt char(10)

    SELECT  @Receipt = RIGHT(OfficeCostCtr, 3) +

     RIGHT(CAST(DATEPART(yy, LogDate) as varchar(4)),2) +

    -- hokey way of formatting the lower order five digits into a string

           CASE WHEN LogID < 10 THEN '0000' + RIGHT(STR(LogID, 10, 0), 1)

                WHEN LogID < 100 THEN '000' + RIGHT(CAST(LogID AS varchar(5)), 2)

                WHEN LogID < 1000 THEN '00' + RIGHT(CAST(LogID AS varchar(5)), 3)

                WHEN LogID < 10000 THEN '0' + RIGHT(CAST(LogID AS varchar(5)), 4)

                ELSE CAST(LogID AS varchar(5))


    FROM Inserted AS i

    UPDATE e  -- updates the one row just inserted, will replace 'AlmostDone' in Receipt

    SET Receipt = @Receipt

      FROM dbo.ReceiptingAcct AS e

      JOIN Inserted AS i

        ON i.LogID = e.LogID



    Luck, Dave

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • Thanks, I will give that a shot.

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