column rename not working

  • I am writing an app that needs to rename column names. The table to be worked on is a temp table, created either from an existing table, or a view. Regardless of the source of the temp table, the same sp is used to create it, as follows:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.eMakeTempTable

    (@Table[varchar] (50),

    @Fields[varchar] (2000),

    @user-id[varchar] (50),

    @Year[varchar] (50),

    @sql[varchar] (2150) = null)


    set @sql = 'SELECT ' + @Fields + ' INTO [dbo].[TempTableForUserID' + @user-id + '] FROM ' + @Table + ' WHERE DataYear = ' + @Year

    exec (@Sql)


    Also, regardless of the temp table source, the same sp is used to rename a column:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.eChangeColumnName

    (@OldName[varchar] (100),

    @NewName[varchar] (100))


    EXEC sp_rename @OldName, @NewName, 'COLUMN'


    This re-naming approach works via the .dot net code behind, calling the sp, when the source is an existing table, but does not work when the source is a view. SQL Server simply times out, not matter how long the timeout is set.

    Interestingly, the renaming ALWAYS works when tested through the SQL Server Query Analyzer, using exactly the same arguments that the app passes to the sp's.

    Any insights here would be appreciated.

  • Couple of things: How are you passing your @OldName variable? For column change this should be 'tablename.oldcolumnname' for sp_rename to work.

    Also, under what security context is your dotnet code connecting to SQL Server? I think sp-rename require sysadmin, db_owner, or db_ddladmin rights.


  • I am using 'tablename.oldcolumnname'; I am logged in as db owner; I also have admin priveleges. Renaming works for smaller tables; the one that is not working has about 7,000 records.

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