Colulmn Reference

  • CREATE TABLE [dbo].[GV_ReceivedOffice](

    [ReceivedOfficeID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [VoucherNo] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [ReceivedDate] [datetime] NULL,

    [ReceivedBy] [int] NULL,

    [TransactionID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,



    [ReceivedOfficeID] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    I am trying to add a constraint to a column TransactionID so that it can references column 'TransactionID' of table GV_vocuher

    ALTER TABLE GV_ReceivedOffice

    ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ReceivedOffice_VocuherTransactionID FOREIGN KEY(TransactionID) REFERENCES GV_Voucher(TransactionID)

    But I am getting this error:

    Msg 1776, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

    There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'GV_Voucher' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key 'FK_ReceivedOffice_VocuherTransactionID'.

    Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

    Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • Hi,

    When you create a foreign key, it should reference either primary key or Unique key.

    In table GV_Voucher, please make sure TransactionID as Primary Key or Unique key.

  • In your table GV_Voucher, the column TransactionID has not been defined as a UNIQUE KEY

    You will have to make TransactionID a UNIQUE KEY in GV_Voucher to create this FOREIGN KEY constraint

    But, as I mentioned in your other thread, if the column TransactionID is indeed unique, then you need not add the column in your GV_ReceivedOffice table at all.

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • Kingston Dhasian (4/26/2013)

    In your table GV_Voucher, the column TransactionID has not been defined as a UNIQUE KEY

    You will have to make TransactionID a UNIQUE KEY in GV_Voucher to create this FOREIGN KEY constraint

    But, as I mentioned in your other thread, if the column TransactionID is indeed unique, then you need not add the column in your GV_ReceivedOffice table at all.

    TransactionID is not unique..

    But as VoucherNo is unique so I created a unique constraint combining these two columns (VoucherNO, TransactionID)

    but still am getting that error 🙁

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • Try creating a UNIQUE KEY constraint with both the columns on GV_Voucher table.

    Your FOREIGN KEY constraint in GV_ReceivedOffice table should again be based on these 2 columns.

    ALTER TABLE GV_ReceivedOffice ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ReceivedOffice_Voucher_VoucherNo_TransactionID

    FOREIGN KEY (VoucherNo,TransactionID) REFERENCES GV_Voucher (VoucherNo,TransactionID)

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • Kingston Dhasian (4/26/2013)

    Try creating a UNIQUE KEY constraint with both the columns on GV_Voucher table.

    Your FOREIGN KEY constraint in GV_ReceivedOffice table should again be based on these 2 columns.

    ALTER TABLE GV_ReceivedOffice ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ReceivedOffice_Voucher_VoucherNo_TransactionID

    FOREIGN KEY (VoucherNo,TransactionID) REFERENCES GV_Voucher (VoucherNo,TransactionID)


    it worked 🙂

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • Kingston Dhasian (4/26/2013)

    Try creating a UNIQUE KEY constraint with both the columns on GV_Voucher table.

    Your FOREIGN KEY constraint in GV_ReceivedOffice table should again be based on these 2 columns.

    ALTER TABLE GV_ReceivedOffice ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ReceivedOffice_Voucher_VoucherNo_TransactionID

    FOREIGN KEY (VoucherNo,TransactionID) REFERENCES GV_Voucher (VoucherNo,TransactionID)

    I also tried in this manner but was getting error:

    ALTER TABLE GV_ReceivedOffice

    ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ReceivedOffice_VocuherTransactionID1

    FOREIGN KEY(TransactionID, VoucherNO)

    REFERENCES GV_Voucher(TransactionID, VoucherNo)

    Yours one get executed successfully... dont know why.. just changing the order created the references?

    To get quick answer follow this link:

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