color coding certain rows

  • Hello,

    I have the following tables:

    create table match


    matchid int Identity,

    customerid int,

    profileid int,


    Create table customer


    customerid int identity,

    customerfirstname varchar(250),

    customerlastname varchar(250)


    Create table profile


    profileid int identity,

    profilefirstname varchar(250),

    profilelastname varchar(250)


    what the match table has i wrote a script where it will compare the profile table first name and last name to see if it matches any customers in customer table, and if there is a match, then add match data like the customerid and profile id to the match table and of course have a unique id to the match for table purposes.

    what I need help is i am new to writing expressions on ssrs, I have everything populated like this:

    select b.*, a.*

    from customer a

    Join profile b

    on a.profileid = b.customerid

    so i get everything that matches thats fine, works great, want to thank Sean Lange again for his help including showing me what i need to do for posting. Anyways what i would like is there will be duplicate matches for example

    Bob dillen might show up twice on the match of course i will only see numbers on the match table which i can reference back to customer and profile table:

    match table:

    matchid customerid profileid

    1 1 7

    2 1 7

    3 1 8

    4 1 15

    5 2 9

    6 3 12

    7 4 Null

    8 5 Null

    etc. what i would like the SSRS to do is say if customer shows up more than once, and has more than 1 profileid, then make it red, if there is a match but is only once, then make it yellow, else no match then just make the background white like the match id of 7 and 8.

    Hope this explains it all please let me know.

    Thank you in advance

  • I would just make my dataset query like this:

    SELECT [customerid]

    ,COUNT([profileid]) AS ProfileCount

    FROM [match]

    GROUP BY [customerid]

    Then just base your color expression off of the value of ProfileCount

  • I suppose if you want to expose all the detail data rather than my solution above, you could add a grouping at the customer level and then Count the detail rows at the group level and have that show your various colors.

  • hey Daniel,

    thanks for your replies,

    yes please, I should do a group by customer id, then use count for the profile id correct? then the count will determine the color, does that make sense, how would i write that in an expression?

    thank you again.

  • In loose terms

    SWITCH(Fields!ProfileCount.Value > 1, 'Red",Fields!ProfileCount.Value = 1,"Yellow",1=1,"White")

    I did not check to see if these are all valid colors. Also you would have to use this at the group level. You might also consider adding a visibility expression for the detail on the groups with more than 1 result so you can see exactly which records are duplicates.

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