Collation Conflict

  • hello all...I am running into an issue when i am trying to join 2 tables from 2 different servers and 2 different databases. I am doing a left join and also tried a subselect and get the same error. I dont know what to do to fix this. I am hoping this will be something simple i can do but i have a feeling that its not going to be. here is the error i get when running my code.

    Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_BIN" in the equal to operation.

    I linked the 2 servers to each other and still nothing. PLEASE HELP!!!! Thanks

  • Please post your code, it will help. Also, which tables have which collation?

  • select distinct pat.vst_ext_id, pat.adm_ts

    from DTR.paragon_rpt.dbo.TPM300_PAT_VISIT pat


    left join HPFDATA.his.dbo.ENCOUNTERS ENC

    on pat.vst_ext_id = ENC.ENCOUNTER


    where pat.vst_sta_cd = '14795' and pat.adm_ts >= '01/01/2010' and pat.adm_ts <= '01/13/2010'

    and not exists (select distinct ENC.ENCOUNTER


    where pat.vst_ext_id = ENC.ENCOUNTER )

    --order by pat.adm_ts

  • Try this:

    select distinct




    DTR.paragon_rpt.dbo.TPM300_PAT_VISIT pat


    left join HPFDATA.his.dbo.ENCOUNTERS ENC

    on pat.vst_ext_id = ENC.ENCOUNTER



    pat.vst_sta_cd = '14795' and

    pat.adm_ts >= '01/01/2010' and

    pat.adm_ts <= '01/13/2010'

    and not exists ( select distinct





    pat.vst_ext_id collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = ENC.ENCOUNTER collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS)

    --order by pat.adm_ts

  • the DTR.paragon_rpt.dbo.TPM300_PAT_VISIT is the Latin1_General_BIN

    and the HPFDATA.his.dbo.ENCOUNTERS is the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    does that make a difference in my code?

    i forgot to include this in my last reply... sorry

  • Lynn

    thanks so much you are a life saver. that worked perfectly...thanks again. 😀

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