Coding Standards


    I was going through a list of 'best practices' that I would use to gently suggest to my developers how they should be writing SQL correctly. 😉

    I found this on Joins - Below this section there is a question from the developer for clarificaiton

    Is this just to be ANSI-Standard or is there also a performance reason?


    • Use the more readable ANSI-Standard Join clauses instead of the old style joins. With ANSI joins, the WHERE clause is used only for filtering data. Where as with older style joins, the WHERE clause handles both the join condition and filtering data. The first of the following two queries shows the old style join, while the second one shows the new ANSI join syntax:

      SELECT a.au_id, t.title 

      FROM titles t, authors a, titleauthor ta


      a.au_id = ta.au_id AND

      ta.title_id = t.title_id AND 

      t.title LIKE '%Computer%'

      SELECT a.au_id, t.title

      FROM authors a 


      titleauthor ta 


      a.au_id = ta.au_id


      titles t


      ta.title_id = t.title_id

      WHERE t.title LIKE '%Computer%'

    One of the developers had this question

    I’m not sure that I described the other question clearly:


    (Scenario 1)

    JOIN ON (a.FieldID = b.FieldID AND b.Sold=1)




    (Scenario 2)

    JOIN ON a.FieldID = b.FieldID

    WHERE b.Sold=1


    So, you are saying that the join conditions (b.Sold=1) should be in the WHERE clause.


    But doesn’t it seem logical that the scenario 1 join would return a smaller result set for the WHERE clause to filter and scale better? Especially if you have multiple table joins?


  • That is the fun part.

    With this

    (Scenario 1)

    JOIN ON (a.FieldID = b.FieldID AND b.Sold=1)




    (Scenario 2)

    JOIN ON a.FieldID = b.FieldID

    WHERE b.Sold=1


    If it is an Inner Join it makes no difference if in the ON or the WHERE,

    If were a LEFT JOIN of  A LEFT JOIN B  then it should be in the ON or your net effect is an INNER JOIN and not a LEFT JOIN.

    If it were a RIGHT JOIN of  A RIGHT JOIN B then you have to decide.

    1. Do only want the join to occurr when Sold = 1 and a.FieldID may = b.FieldID and then return all records from B regardless of Sold value. Then it is in the ON.
    2. Or do you want to when a.FieldID may = b.FieldID and then return all records from B as long as the Sold value equals 1. Then it is in the WHERE.

    So it all depends on what JOIN you are using.

  • From a purely best practices point of view, pick one and ask the the team to stick with it. That way everybody gets used to reading and coding the same style. Team code reviews are much easier. My experience is that using this one,

    (Scenario 2)

    JOIN ON a.FieldID = b.FieldID

    WHERE b.Sold=1

    is easier to read. If you have a large join with lots of tables then all of your filters are together after the WHERE. It's easier to trouble shoot rather than reading through each ON portion and finding the filters. Just my opinion.


  • OUTER JOIN default mathematically to a NULL so there is a fixed table position and you need the ISNULL function to get expected result.  The WHERE clause is only a filter since 2000 a JOIN uses the FROM and ON clause and when both are used the query processor ignores the WHERE clause.  The AND operator is also used for additional search condition.  Check SQL performance book for more detail.  Hope this helps.

    Kind regards,

    Gift Peddie

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • The only time I use the JOIN syntax of the ANSI-92 standard is in OUTER JOINs. Personally, I don't think that LEFT and RIGHT join syntax is very clear. I've been coding in SQL since SQL Server v4.2, 10+years ago, and I'm very comfortable with the old syntax and it's more readable to me. There is no LEFT or RIGHT table in my point of view.




    tbl2.col2 ......








    Which table is on the Right and which is on the Left ? I really see Top and Bottom or 1st and 2nd etc. Unless they force the formatting, there is no real Left and Right.

    Also if I switch the physical positioning of tbl1 and tbl2, the LEFT and RIGHT syntax becomes invalid. Using a where clause join it should always be valid.

    Maybe it's just an old dog learning new tricks, but they should have created the standard in a better way.

  • I agree with what Antares and Mark posted; just adding a few words to it. Core of the developer's question is :

    But doesn’t it seem logical that the scenario 1 join would return a smaller result set for the WHERE clause to filter and scale better?

    As far as I know, no. Optimizer takes all the conditions from JOINs and WHERE and produces a plan how to do it best. For performance, it does not matter where you put which condition. It does not work the way you write it, you can not specify what will be done first and what later. Of course, ordering and grouping is separate from the filtering etc., but that's not the question.

    Just take these 2 queries (scenario 1 and 2) and let QA produce the estimated execution plan. It should be the same for both scenarios.

  • Microsoft specifically states that left and right outer Joins are not supported and in some cases “results in an ambiguous query that can be interpreted in more than one way.” (Microsoft SQL Server Books On Line : Transact_SQL Joins). 


    If you are in the process of setting standards, I would recommend using explicit joins rather than where clauses.  That way you do not have any issues with left and right joins down the line and everyone is coding the same...

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Just to avoid confusion - what is not supported are only old syntax left and right joins:

    "In earlier versions of Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000, left and right outer join conditions were specified in the WHERE clause using the *= and =* operators. In some cases, this syntax results in an ambiguous query that can be interpreted in more than one way." (BOL)

    Standard LEFT and RIGHT joins with conditions specified in the join are supported.

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