Code To Return Highest Value (rank) not working - why ?

  • SELECT * FROM (select id3, email1, dense_rank() OVER (order BY id3) rank from outputresume3) WHERE RANK=N;

    Any idea why this code does not work ?

    I am trying to get the emails with the highest numerical ID3 number.


  • How about some sample data to show that your code does not work?

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • It would help if you'd provide the DDL for your table, sample data in a readily consummable format (that can be cut/paste/run in SSMS to load the table created by your DDL), expected results based on the sample data.

    For help with this request please read the first article referenced below in my signature block.

  • Sample data:

    col(id3) col(email1)

    I would like the results to be:

    Since the 454382 record is unique and the 612834 record is the highest id3 (most recent).


  • DECLARE @Table TABLE (id3 int, email1 varchar(256))

    INSERT INTO @Table

    SELECT 454382, '' UNION ALL

    SELECT 612832, '' UNION ALL

    SELECT 612833, '' UNION ALL

    SELECT 612834, ''

    SELECT * FROM @Table

    SELECT MAX(id3) as id3, email1

    FROM @Table

    GROUP BY email1

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Many Thanks !

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