Code to hide "NaN" and "Infinity"

  • I have a formula in the Report Properties -> Code section which calculates the percentage difference between two input values. Currently the formula returns "NaN" if both input values are zero, and "Infinity" if the denominator is zero. I want the formula to return 0 instead of NaN or Infinity.

    I've tried the following code:

    PcDiff = Iif(LastYear = 0 OR IsNull(LastYear), 0, (ThisYear/LastYear) - 1)

    But I get the following compiler error:

    Native compiler return value: ‘[BC42206] Maximum number of warnings has been exceeded.’.

    How can I do this?

  • I think 1 issue is that you need to replace the IsNull with LastYear is Nothing as IsNull is not a VB.NET function, or you could you use LastYear = System.DBNull.Value. So your code would be:

    PcDiff = Iif(LastYear = 0 OR LastYear = System.DBNull.Value, 0, (ThisYear/LastYear) - 1) Or

    PcDiff = Iif(LastYear = 0 OR LastYear Is Nothing, 0, (ThisYear/LastYear) - 1)

  • Hi Jack,

    I've just tried both of those and got the same error. My entire function is here, if it helps:


    Public Shared Function PcDiff(LastYear As Single, ThisYear As Single) As Single

    PcDiff = Iif(LastYear = 0 OR LastYear = System.DBNull.Value, 0, (ThisYear/LastYear) - 1)

    'PcDiff = (ThisYear/LastYear) - 1

    End Function




  • Hi Sam,

    I was having the same problem and came across this solution.

    Enter this in the custom code : -

    Public Shared Function Ratio(Num1 as double, Num2 as double) AS object

        IF ISNOTHING(Num2) Or Num2 = 0 Then

            Ratio = 0

        ELSEIF Num1 = 0 THEN

            Ratio = 0


            Ratio = Num1  / Num2

        END IF

    End Function

    Then if you use soemething like this in the body of the report : -

    =Code.Ratio(Fields!yourfield1.Value, Fields!yourfield2.Value)

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