Code script to alert some events

  • Hi,

    Please help me,

    I am writing a code that will be used to send email alerts for some events, the query run buts the mail generated is in blank, no query output, I did not see where I am making the mistake.

    Thanks for your ideas and support


    @TableHead VARCHAR(1000),

    @TableTail VARCHAR(1000),

    @EmailSubject VARCHAR(300),

    @TableTail2 VARCHAR(1000),

    @statement VARCHAR(1000),

    @porcentage real,

    @comands varchar(32),

    @starttime datetime

    --'DECLARE @porcentual real'+','+'@comando varchar(32)'+','+'@inicio datetime'

    SET @EmailSubject = 'Verificacion del estado del Backup';

    SET @TableTail = '</table></body></html>';

    SET @Body ='if exists (select percent_complete, command, start_time

    from sys.dm_exec_requests

    where command in ('+

    '''BACKUP LOG ''' + ',' +

    '''BACKUP DATABASE''' + ',' +

    '''DBCC''' + ','+

    '''SELECT''' +'))'+

    'select @porcentual=percent_complete, @comando=command, @inicio=start_time from sys.dm_exec_requests where command in ('+

    '''BACKUP LOG'''+','+

    '''BACKUP DATABASE'''+','+



    'print '+'''Command: '''+'@comands'+''' started at: '''+'cast(@starttime as nvarchar(20))'+''' Porcentage:'''+ 'cast ( @porcentage as nvarchar(20))'

    SELECT @Body = @TableHead + ISNULL(@Body, '') + @TableTail

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'MonitorB',

    @recipients = '',


    @body=@Body ,

    @body_format = 'HTML' ;

  • One thing I noticed is that you're not setting @TableHead to anything. So you're concatenating string variables where one of them is NULL:

    NULL + 'SomeString' = NULL

    - Nate


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