Code page for Flat file for Mainframe consumption

  • What should be the code page for Flat file connection manger in SSIS for it to be consumed by Mainframes system..

    I am currently using Unicode, ragged right format. when mainframes read it, there NULLS inserted between each character.

  • Try using 1252 codepage, which is the default.

    In order to do that, you can't use Unicode anymore.

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  • Yes Koen.. I will use 1252 instead of Unicode.

    just curious to know, if there is any specific code page related to mainframes..

  • Gerbera (4/23/2012)

    Yes Koen.. I will use 1252 instead of Unicode.

    just curious to know, if there is any specific code page related to mainframes..

    No idea. I don't know a lot about mainframes and I like to keep it that way.

    I do know they may have other row delimeters than Windows, for example only CR instead of CR/LF.

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  • All the mainframes I have dealt with use some form of EBCDIC...but "EBCDIC" is about as ambiguous as "Unicode". If you're providing data to a mainframe you'll need to ask the operator for specs on exactly which code page to use.

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  • i used this code page 437 – OEM United States and it solved the Issue.

    But when tried with 37 IBM EBCIDIC US/Canada and 500 IBM EBCIDIC International code page, the file was genarated was corrupted

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