Coalesce for a FQN?

  • The attached image is a small result set from a table in a database I have. To give an example of what I am looking for, I want a list of what I would refer to as the fully qualified name of what each bed would be. The result set should include a total of 6 lines:






    To explain what this data is and make it easier, think of this like a mock hospital. The Location_Id column is the PK, The Parent_Location_Id column is a reference link to the Location_Id, Location type represents 4 different possible types (F = Name of Facility, A = Area of the Hospital, R = Patient Room within that Area, B = Bed within that Room). There will never be more than one Facility.

    As I was searching through the internet, I saw many references to Coalesce. That seems like what I need, but the websites with examples I see reference using one column as the "Primary" column (hope I am explaining that right), but I have two, possibly three that would need to be referenced. It seemed to me that if I only wanted room and bed those would work, but I want the Area and Facility as well.

    Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you.

  • ken_cox (7/18/2014)

    The attached image is a small result set from a table in a database I have. To give an example of what I am looking for, I want a list of what I would refer to as the fully qualified name of what each bed would be. The result set should include a total of 6 lines:






    To explain what this data is and make it easier, think of this like a mock hospital. The Location_Id column is the PK, The Parent_Location_Id column is a reference link to the Location_Id, Location type represents 4 different possible types (F = Name of Facility, A = Area of the Hospital, R = Patient Room within that Area, B = Bed within that Room). There will never be more than one Facility.

    As I was searching through the internet, I saw many references to Coalesce. That seems like what I need, but the websites with examples I see reference using one column as the "Primary" column (hope I am explaining that right), but I have two, possibly three that would need to be referenced. It seemed to me that if I only wanted room and bed those would work, but I want the Area and Facility as well.

    Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you.

    Looks like a recursive CTE would get you what you want. Without the DDL (CREATE TABLE statement) for the table, sample data in the form of INSERT INTO statements not much more we can do.

  • 1. You should post test data in a consumable format:



    Location_Id int NOT NULL

    ,Parent_Location_Id int NULL

    ,Location_type char(1) NOT NULL

    ,Location_name varchar(10) NOT NULL




    ,(33, 1, 'A', 'CCU')

    ,(35, 33, 'R', 'CCU1')

    ,(36, 33, 'R', 'CCU2')

    ,(41, 35, 'B', '0')

    ,(42, 35, 'B', '1')

    ,(43, 35, 'B', '100')

    ,(44, 36, 'B', '0')

    ,(45, 36, 'B', '1')

    ,(46, 36, 'B', '100');

    2. Recursion looks as though it will produce the required result:

    WITH FullyQualified



    SELECT Location_id, Location_type, CAST(Location_name AS varchar(255)) AS Location_name

    FROM #t

    WHERE Parent_Location_Id IS NULL


    SELECT T.Location_Id, T.Location_type

    ,CAST(P.Location_name + ':' + T.Location_name AS varchar(255))

    FROM #t T

    JOIN FullyQualified P

    ON T.Parent_Location_Id = P.Location_Id


    SELECT Location_name

    FROM FullyQualified

    WHERE Location_type = 'B'

    ORDER BY Location_name;

  • I will post test data in a script next time rather than just a picture of the sample output.

    It worked perfectly. Thank you for the help.

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