Clusters & MSDTC

  • I'm having a discussion with our corporate people about our clustering & the use of MSDTC and I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall. So any clarification you guys can give me would be helpful.

    4 node cluster, 3 active, 1 passive. MSDTC running as it's own cluster group on Node 1. Node 1 & Node 2 both have SSIS running cluster "unaware" instances. I tried running a package against Node 2 with checkpointing enabled and it bombed out. The error message (this was a month ago, so I don't remember the exact text) was that I couldn't use checkpoints without MSDTC.

    So I've been going back and forth with our server people telling them that we need MSDTC running also on our other active nodes. And they keep telling me I should be able to point my SSIS package to the MSDTC running on Node 1.


    I see no place in SSIS to tell it where to find MSDTC for the checkpoint functionality. Only a place for the checkpoint file path. And they're also trying to tell me if they make SSIS cluster aware, so that it fails over with the SQL Service, that this will also fix the problem.

    To my mind, the two are totally unrelated issues. There's no way to point a package to a specific service on a specific box and the cluster awareness of SSIS will not resolve that fact.

    Am I just crazy? Okay, wait. Don't answer this last question. @=) Answer this instead, am I missing something? Is this behavior indeed possible?

    Someone please help me out here. Clarification on this matter would be greatly appreciated.


    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • If MSDTC has been setup correctly in its own cluster resource group, all nodes should be able to access MSDTC regardless of which node has ownership. I don't think SSIS needs to be aware of where MSDTC resides as I think you will find installing MSDTC to the cluster will change the local MSDTC server in component services.

    From memory

    - Install MSDTC before you install SQL server

    - Enable network DTC access on the nodes in add/remove components

    Initial setup of MSDTC

    There is also a MS KB on reinstalling MSDTC.

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