January 15, 2010 at 3:57 am
In active/active two nodes sql cluster, do i need two seperate quorum resource, one for each SQL instance OR do i just need one quorum resource and both SQL instances will share same Quorum resource?
Thanks in Advance.
January 15, 2010 at 7:06 am
No is the short answer.
When you create a Windows SQL Cluster there are at least 2 parts (Windows 2003, 3 for Windows 2008)
1. an OS Cluster that controls the Quroum (you only need/will ever have 1 per cluster)
2. The SQL Cluster
3. (for Windows 2008) an MS DTC Cluster
4. (for named instances) An Additional SQL Cluster (number 4 repeates based on the number of named instances)
any MS cluster is by default created in an Active/Passive manner.
The only way to make a cluster Active/Active is to have resources belong to the normally passive node.
For example a 2 Node Cluster Windows 2003:
Node 1 could own Disk M for Data and N for Logs
Node 2 could own the Quroum
or A cluster with a default SQL instance and a Named Instance
Node 1 could own Disk M for Data and N for Logs on the Default instance, and the Quroum
Node 2 could own Disk S for Data and W for Logs on the Named Instance
Active/Active is just using both nodes actively, if a failover occurs from one Node to another all resources would be shifted to the non-failed Node.
Now this is presuming you have a standard cluster, are you using Standard or Majority Node Set?
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