Clustered file share unable to come online when failover occurs

  • Hi,

    We have a 3 node a/a/p cluster setup for SQL Server 2005. We have 1 instance node1 & 3 instances on node2 and node3 is passive.

    We have confiured log shipping for the databases on node1 instance. For this, we have created file share on the backup drive (Under Backup group). Everything is working fine but whenever a failover occurs, the file share on the backup drive is not coming online and in the event viewer, I'm getting the below error

    Event Type:Error

    Event Source:ClusSvc

    Event Category:File Share Resource

    Event ID:1053


    Time:1:22:03 PM




    Cluster File Share 'LogshippingBackups' cannot be brought online because the share could not be created

    Does creating a file share on clustred drive is NOT supported? please advice.

    Here are the details:

    Under Cluster administrator, we have the following groups


    1. Cluster group

    2. MSDTC group

    3. INS1-------------------------on Node1

    4. INS2-------------------------on node2

    5. INS3-------------------------on node2

    6. INS4-------------------------on node2

    7. Backup group1-------------------------on node1--> Backup drive Z--to keep database backups of INS1

    -->Logshipping Backups (File share) -->

    To keep the log backups, generated via logshipping backups (used the path \\VirtualServername\Logshipping Backups)

    8. Backup group2-------------------------on node2. On backup group2 also, we have backup drive U and also have file share to keep Log shipping backups from INS2, INS3 & INS4 and this file share has no problem and it’s coming online when failover occurs.


  • I appreciate if some one provide some idea on this issue

  • Can you manually start the share resource? Have a look at the cluster.log file - this should have more information in it about why this fails.

  • Did you create the share via the Cluster Administration console?

    You should only configure the share via the parameters tab of the file share resource.

    It should also be dependent on the disk upon which it resides.

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