Cluster install ?

  • i am installing a sql server 2005 standard ed cluster on a windows 2003 servers. I have downloaded a few whitepapers for the install. If this is a sql server that will reside in our network, does the "Network to Use" on the setup screen for the IP need to be private or public? 2 of the 3 papers show it as being public. THis server will reside in our domain

  • I should have clarified this was during the Virtual Server Configuration setup that I need to respond

  • Hi Tim,

    That should be configured as a public network. Users and applications connect to the cluster using this network. So it is called a public network.

    Private network is used for internal communication between the nodes within the cluster. It is used to check the status of the nodes i.e whether a particular node is working or failed etc..

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,

    SQL Buddy.

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