Cluster administrator

  • Hello All,

    I've just installed my first SQL server 2000 cluster on windows 2003...Now the NT guys want to take away my admin access to the two Cluster nodes. What I'd like to know is as a DBA do I need access to the Cluster Administrator, if so what are the reasons.



  • What if your SQL server fails over or fails period.  With the Admin tool you can go in and see where the resources are.  Otherwise <throw dart at wall and guess>,

    What if Network guys unavail..  Who is to correct problem?

    Why do they want to take it away?

    How are you to properly manage your cluster if you don't know where the resources are (without logging in to each node and again guessing)

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • AJ

    Basically, its their new security policy (no one other than themselves to have admin rights on servers).

    As you mention supporting it would be a nightmare, specially when you get an NT guy who has not had any experience in Clustering.

    Is it possible to access cluster administrator without having server admin access?



  • Unfortunately, no.  For you to admin the cluster you need to be admin.

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Fight the good fight!

    I am sure there is some documentation out there from MS that basically tells you to start and stop SQL Server through the Cluster Administrator and to the best of my knowledge you have to have admin privs on the server.

    I can see their point too, but we have to have what we need 🙂

    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • How 'draconian' ... I've been there a couple of times myself ... there is the possibility that the Windows admins are 'hiding' behind policy because they do not want to create (and maintain) a separte domain group of SQL Server Admins who have Local Admin authority only on the servers that they need. Maybe they need to be educated ? If not, well then they are just going to love database maintenance like service packs and hot fixes !!!

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • All

    Thanks for all your advice.

    I've started to mail them requests one at a time without giving them to much details, so that they call me back to figure out where they get the info or what to do. I'm hoping eventually one of them get fed up and let me have the access anyway.


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