CLR Eval function

  • I want to be able to pass a string and have it perform the equation within the string. For example, if I pass it "(7 + 1) / 3)", I owuld expect to get back 2.67.

    I have seen several posts on here, but none of them appear to work. So I attempted to create one myself. This is what I have in my stringEval function:

    Partial Public Class UserDefinedFunctions

    <Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction()> _

    Public Shared Function stringEval(ByVal equation As String) As SqlDecimal

    Dim table As New DataTable

    Dim eqObject As Object

    eqObject = table.Compute(equation, "")

    Dim results As SqlDecimal = SqlDecimal.Parse(eqObject.ToString())

    Return results

    End Function

    End Class

    I then try to test it with the following query:

    declare @results decimal(18,2)

    select @results = dbo.stringEval('(7 + 1) / 3')

    select @results as results

    When I run this in debug mode in VS2010, I see that the variable 'results' contains 2.6666666667 when it gets to the return statement. However, the query returns '3.00'. I feel like I am so very close to what everyone is asking for, but nobody seems to have an answer for.

    Can anyone help me resolve this?

    Many thanks!

    P.S., yes I know that this is VB instead of C#. I started my effort thinking that I could use the VB Eval function, but then realized that went away with VB.Net.

  • steve.laforge (10/30/2012)

    I want to be able to pass a string and have it perform the equation within the string. For example, if I pass it "(7 + 1) / 3)", I owuld expect to get back 2.67.

    I have seen several posts on here, but none of them appear to work. So I attempted to create one myself. This is what I have in my stringEval function:

    Partial Public Class UserDefinedFunctions

    <Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction()> _

    Public Shared Function stringEval(ByVal equation As String) As SqlDecimal

    Dim table As New DataTable

    Dim eqObject As Object

    eqObject = table.Compute(equation, "")

    Dim results As SqlDecimal = SqlDecimal.Parse(eqObject.ToString())

    Return results

    End Function

    End Class

    I then try to test it with the following query:

    declare @results decimal(18,2)

    select @results = dbo.stringEval('(7 + 1) / 3')

    select @results as results

    When I run this in debug mode in VS2010, I see that the variable 'results' contains 2.6666666667 when it gets to the return statement. However, the query returns '3.00'. I feel like I am so very close to what everyone is asking for, but nobody seems to have an answer for.

    Can anyone help me resolve this?

    Many thanks!

    P.S., yes I know that this is VB instead of C#. I started my effort thinking that I could use the VB Eval function, but then realized that went away with VB.Net.

    What do you get whe you execute the following?

    declare @results decimal(18,2)

    select @results = dbo.stringEval('0.0+(7 + 1) / 3')

    select @results as results

    Also, why is someone after you to turn SQL Server into a calculator?

    --Jeff Moden

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Thank you, but that did not help. I still get 3.00 as the result.

    As for your question of turning SQL Server into a calculator: the application generates a large formula and substitutes values into the string, so I then need to perform the calculations using the actual variables.

  • Disclaimer: What I am about to show is dangerous because you're trying to execute a statement passed in by a person or application, and people and applications should never be trusted to do the right thing when it comes to data, so if you use this technique make sure you are protecting against SQL injection.

    Here is one way you could handle it:

    DECLARE @v-2 VARCHAR(100); -- local variable for demo, but this could be an stored proc input param too

    SET @v-2 = '((7 + 1) / 3.0)'


    -- the actual code

    -- setup a SELECT which will force the engine to eval your math problem

    SET @v-2 = 'SELECT ' + @v-2;

    -- setup a table variable to capture your result

    DECLARE @result TABLE (value VARCHAR(100));

    -- execute the SELECT to solve the math problem and cature the result in the table variable

    INSERT INTO @result (value)

    EXEC (@v);

    -- show the answer

    SELECT *

    FROM @result;

    One other note about your original post. SQL Server is forced to infer data types when you only supply a string for calculation meaning unless you provide numbers as decimals (see I changed your 3 to 3.0) then SQL Server will do the math based on integers and not decimals and you will not get the expected result.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I thought you had it until I tried to add it to a function. Then I get the error 'Invalid use of a side-effection operator 'INSERT EXEC' within a function.'.

    I need to be able to use the solution in a function. The idea is that I have built a mathematical string during a query that I actually need to execute and get the results.

    Thank you!

  • Ahhhhh! I got it! Sort of...well, okay, it is a work-around anyway.

    Imports System

    Imports System.Data

    Imports System.Data.SqlClient

    Imports System.Data.SqlTypes

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server

    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings

    Partial Public Class UserDefinedFunctions

    <Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction()> _

    Public Shared Function stringEval(ByVal equation As String) As SqlString

    Dim table As New DataTable

    Dim eqObject As Object

    eqObject = table.Compute(equation, "")

    Dim results As SqlString = SqlDecimal.Parse(eqObject.ToString()).ToString()

    Return results

    End Function

    End Class

    I'm sure someone can figure this out, but it actually works better than I had originally thought as is. To use it, I simply call it as

    select ..., convert(decimal(18,2), dbo.stringEval(stringWithMathEquation)) ...

    In case anyone uses this, or wants to tweak it, I can only get it to work by either using the string that it returns, or to use a convert or cast to decimal. It gets an error if I try to convert/cast it directly to an int. I'm not sure what all of the issues are, but it at least gives me a short-term fix and the result can then be managed with native SQL functions to change it to any other datatype.

    Thank you!

  • steve.laforge (11/1/2012)

    I thought you had it until I tried to add it to a function. Then I get the error 'Invalid use of a side-effection operator 'INSERT EXEC' within a function.'.

    I need to be able to use the solution in a function. The idea is that I have built a mathematical string during a query that I actually need to execute and get the results.

    Thank you!

    Yeah, INSERT...EXEC has some restrictions, sorry.

    You could go back to trying with a SQLCLR object and just issue the SELECT <math> on the built-in connection back to SQL Server. I doubt it would scale well, but it would not qualify as an INSERT...EXEC and should give you the desired behavior. I do not have time now to test it, but may give it a whirl later.

    edit: looks like we were typing at the same time an that you found a good way forward, thanks for posting a solution

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I had to try it for myself so here is your code ported to C#. It worked as advertised for me:

    [font="Courier New"]using System;

    using System.Data;

    using System.Data.SqlClient;

    using System.Data.SqlTypes;

    using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

    public partial class UserDefinedFunctions



        public static SqlString stringEval(string equation)


            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            object eqObject;

            eqObject = table.Compute(equation, "");

            SqlString results = SqlDecimal.Parse(eqObject.ToString()).ToString();

            return results;




    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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