February 13, 2015 at 8:33 am
Any job that involves ingesting data feeds or managing databases for a number of different external clients can be a pain in the asscii. When an internal user submits a wrongly formatted file or fires off a runaway ad-hoc SQL query, you have much more lattitude in how you can deal with the issue than if it's an external client. For that reason, my next job probably won't be in healthcare or federal government. I could picture myself working for a large retailer or a vertical software vendor.
"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho
February 13, 2015 at 8:36 am
Being an avid fisherman, I've always thought there would be great value in a site where you could share fishing results and in return, receive other people's results. If you provide the location and conditions of a catch (spot on the lake, weather, wind speed/direction, lure type and color, water temp, etc.), you could see the detail of others who had posted their results. That way you could look at your expected conditions for an upcoming trip and get a good idea of where on the lake to fish and what techniques to use. The hard part would be making sure people were honest and not filling in made up info just to see other peoples' results. Anyway, this kind of setup would require a database, so I'd want to manage that.
Be still, and know that I am God - Psalm 46:10
February 13, 2015 at 8:38 am
Geology! I was an exploration geologist way back (before the price of oil dropped below $12/barrel!!!!!)
Since then, they have gone digital. I'd love to work with all that data!
February 13, 2015 at 8:46 am
The most gratifying job I had was for a registered non-profit that provided IT services to other non-profits and charities, mostly in Homelessness and Domestic Abuse. The least gratifying was a shopping comparison website!
I agree with another comment that company culture is really important. You can have the most do-gooder job, but, at the end of the day, if you hate your work environment you won't be very satisfied.
I'd love to be able to get back into the third sector, but I've gotten too used to the private sector's IT budgets and pay :blush:
p.s. - Is the topic title a Rush reference by any chance?
In SQL there are no absolutes, it always depends...
February 13, 2015 at 8:46 am
Steve, keep those Rush references coming!
Working for a software development company has its advantages over working for a non-software company with an IT department. Such as IT is the core of the business instead of a "necessary evil" in some places.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?
February 13, 2015 at 8:48 am
An airline or a cruise line. Not some much for the data, but for the employee perks.
February 13, 2015 at 9:01 am
david.gugg (2/13/2015)
Being an avid fisherman, I've always thought there would be great value in a site where you could share fishing results and in return, receive other people's results. If you provide the location and conditions of a catch (spot on the lake, weather, wind speed/direction, lure type and color, water temp, etc.), you could see the detail of others who had posted their results. That way you could look at your expected conditions for an upcoming trip and get a good idea of where on the lake to fish and what techniques to use. The hard part would be making sure people were honest and not filling in made up info just to see other peoples' results. Anyway, this kind of setup would require a database, so I'd want to manage that.
The hard part would be pulling into your favorite spot on the lake only to discover 100 other folks sitting there. This is the type of information I'd want to share only with a small circle of friends and family. :ermm:
"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho
February 13, 2015 at 9:03 am
I would love to work with a sports franchise or even the governing body of a league. That could be some fun data.
Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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February 13, 2015 at 9:09 am
P Jones (2/13/2015)
I'd like to work on the data and databases feeding the handicapping system for sailing. Clubs return race times for all the different types of boats and these are analysed to produce recommended handicaps for each type.As the official handicap list is issued around March 1st we're about to get sailing forums full of "why has my handicap changed?" and "X is a handicap bandit boat"
Now that's interesting. A bit of detective work with the data. I had no idea this even existed.
February 13, 2015 at 9:10 am
bj_fentress (2/13/2015)
Steve, you read my mind. I work in healthcare right now and if I had the chance to work for an NFL team or any sports team that I think would be some very interesting data to examine and see how they use it from day to day.
I could imagine working to gather data by position, by player, by situation, and doing some Moneyball work there. Maybe even helping players decide how to better train or play against certain people.
February 13, 2015 at 9:11 am
jhgoodwin (2/13/2015)
Hi Steve,I already work there.
Recently, I joined a group called Acupera based in San Francisco, but working out of the Cary, NC office. Acupera works in Healthcare in a new space I find fascinating. Rather than focusing on the encounters like most EMR systems, this one uses patent pending technology where we have allowed Physicians to write medical workflows for at risk patients. This way, care providers can see tasks of what they should do for patients, not just read stats and reports.
My interest is to work on some of the hardest problems worth solving and I would like to do that while working with winners. So far, they give me that, with harder problems yet on the horizon.
February 13, 2015 at 9:12 am
GregMcQ (2/13/2015)
I have had the opportunity to work for a professional sports team in the Philadelphia area. It was a great time and it is a shining star on my resume. When I initially arrived, we were behind the technology curve by a few years. There was a single developer and they did not have a DBA (this should have worried me more than it did). Over the course of seven seasons, we grew our technology base, built new systems and increased our IT staffing. Analysts were brought in to aid in scouting and contract negotiations. For this sports team, there is a committee that governs the technology that can be used during games. That committee is now embracing more technology and that is changing IT landscape there.
Very cool. I'm sure that was a neat experience.
February 13, 2015 at 9:13 am
Thomas Mucha (2/13/2015)
The most gratifying job I had was for a registered non-profit that provided IT services to other non-profits and charities, mostly in Homelessness and Domestic Abuse. The least gratifying was a shopping comparison website!I agree with another comment that company culture is really important. You can have the most do-gooder job, but, at the end of the day, if you hate your work environment you won't be very satisfied.
I'd love to be able to get back into the third sector, but I've gotten too used to the private sector's IT budgets and pay :blush:
p.s. - Is the topic title a Rush reference by any chance?
I think about this for later in life, when kids are through college. Habitat for Humanity speaks to me.
And yes, it is a Rush reference. Huge fan since I was 10 or 11.
February 13, 2015 at 9:39 am
My biggest desire is to make a positive long term difference in the world therefore I would be interested in companies like SpaceX or the Gates Foundation or similar. I have found though it's tough to break into those kinds of jobs. I applied for a job at the Gates Foundation about 6 years ago and I was qualified to a "tee". Didn't even get a response. Found out later they get hundreds if not thousands of resumes per opening in IT (at least at the time). I was involved in politics a little bit many years ago and am considering getting involved again though it seems like it's actually worse than when I stopped the first time.
February 13, 2015 at 10:52 am
I'd like to work in the military field. despite the fact that here in Brazil we don't have an advanced army, i think it would be interesting.
In the sports field, i think working in a Formula 1 team would be very exciting, because it's a sport that even the spectators have access to lots of information and numbers, you can imagine how many data they store and process about the cars and tracks.
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