cloning Azure DEV to Azure Prod

  • Hi, 
     is it possible to clone Azure Dev environment (free subscription) to QA and PROD (payable subscription) ?
     We created  following types   in 3 resource groups
    Availability set
    Virtual machine
    Network interface
    Network security group
    Storage account
    SQL managed instance
    Managed database
    Public IP address
    Kubernetes service
    Log Analytics
    Virtual network
    Virtual network gateway
    Load balancer
    Route table
    Virtual cluster
    all resources created with prefix "dev-"  , now we want they copy in prod with prefix "prod-"

  • Did you choose the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) deployments? All these resources should have ARM templates available in the portal or with AzureRM PoSh cmdlets. You can get the templates, rename the values, and then deploy to a new subscription.

  • Hi  Steve, 
     thanks for the tip "ARM templates", I used portal to add resources
     it takes some time get used to  ARM templates ,but I see that it will speed up cloning.

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