Client Tools for SQLServer 2005?

  • In the past, you could buy just the client tools as a stand-alone package. Is there a way to do that for 2005? Our team needs access to the BIDS interface for SSIS and AnalysisServices work. Thanks.

  • You can install the client tools only. I believe all you need is a CAL for the server to be licensed.

  • Thank you. Well, now it appears we can do and Add/Remove because I see it there (our clients are installed via an MSI installation object on our network). When I walk through the wizard, BIDS is listed along with Reporting Services and one or 2 other things. The BIDS is what we need but fails because clients do not have IIS intalled.

    We don't use or need Reporting Services, so I guess now my question is-does BIDS require IIS to function? If not, I could perhaps get IIS enabled temporarily to allow the install to function, then disable IIS. Any info on that?

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