Client Network Utility data storage

  • Hi All, I have a colleague in my office who have configured all the servers on his login ID to the machine for clinet network utility and SQL Server Enterpirse Manager. Now i am using his machine and loggin on to Windows NT using my login ID, but i am not getting the servers registered in SQL Server Enterpirse Manager and Client Network Utility. Can some please tell me in which file these data is stored, so that i will copy these files when i login and hence i dont need to do that tedious task. Please let me asap.

  • It is in the registry:

    HKCU\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\SQLEW\Registered Servers X

    If you have a roaming profile you get the same servers on every machine.

    It is easiest to export from  current user, logged in as your colleague en import as yourself.  Otherwise you can export form HK_users\sid-colleague

    One possibility to get the sid is with psgetsid from



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