Cleaning WGA

  • Pardon me, but can anyone tell me what the actual "advantage" is to having a licensed copy of Windows? Seems to me, the only advantage over a pirated copy is that this WGA-verifying software won't bug you. Pretty much, a copy of Windows works the same whether it's Genuine or not.

    MS's reasons for doing this are obvious, but I think there's better solutions to the problem.

  • I've got 3 words.... "Galactic Civilizations two"

    A couple companies are starting to think like this.  take the focus off preventing piracy, and put the focus on increasing sales.

    How do I feel about piracy?  I don't particularly like it, but, I also don't want to be treated like a criminal because someone else does it.

    How do I feel about the big anti-piracy stuff?  well, I refuse to buy music or movies.  I don't listen to anything outside of NPR.  I rent a lot of movies, but, with a big rental company like netflix, the studios are probably not having such a huge turn-around on their movies.  I rarely go to the movies. 

    Plain and simple, I do everything I can to avoid doing business with a company that treats me like a criminal for using their product.  Windows, I'm stuck with... a lot of the other MS products however, I'm not stuck with, and I do my best to avoid.  I use SQL server a lot at work, but I just won't use it for a personal project because of stuff like WGA...

    companies have a right to protect themselves... that's what serial numbers, and disk checks are for.  so long as those concepts don't phone home, or install extra/hidden software on my computer, I'm OK with them.  But, I also think I should be able to make a useable backup copy of my software.  I prefer to keep my origionals safely stored away, and only take them out if a copy goes bad.  I hate needing to get out the origional, and expose it to scratch risks...


    Anyway, if you game at all, buy a copy of galactic civilizations II...  let's reward the companies that treat their users with respect.

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