August 2, 2007 at 2:37 pm
Can anyone point me to some resources or examples or explain to me how to do ip address validation using CIDR as the basis.
I understand the basics of what CIDR is and using an online calculator I figured out that for example a CIDR of "" would mean that an ip in the range of to is valid.
So i'm loooking to impliment a function where i can pass in a cidr and ip address and have it return a bool if it's valid for that cidr or not. I'm using C# but any examples or instructions in any language will help.
May 15, 2008 at 3:38 am
Were you able to get any information on how to calculate CIDR notations? I am trying to do the same using VB6. Can you help me in any way? My email address:
May 15, 2008 at 5:18 am
yes over on the MSDN forums someone gave some code although it is very specific to c# and .net
private bool IsInSubnet (string ipAddress, string cidr) {
string [] parts = cidr.Split ('/');
int baseAddress = BitConverter.ToInt32 (IPAddress.Parse (parts [0]).GetAddressBytes (), 0);
int address = BitConverter.ToInt32 (IPAddress.Parse (ipAddress).GetAddressBytes (), 0);
int mask = IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder (-1 << (32 - int.Parse (parts [1])));
return ((baseAddress & mask) == (address & mask));
you can read the whole post here:
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