Chunking of Data From Oracle to SQL Server

  • We currently use Stored Procedures for the majority of our ETL process. We have a table that is trun and loaded on a nightly basis. It has over 3 million records. We are running into performance issues in reagrd to bulk loading all that data from Oracle to SQL Server at once. Looking for a way to load data by chunks into SQL Server from Oracle. I am starting to think using SSIS is going to be the solution. Thanks.

  • if you are bulk loading (using bulk insert or BCP) you can specify the batch size and even the network packet size if it applies in your situation.

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

  • Below is the stored procedure that I am using to pull the data. You will see that I am currently using row_num to do the chunking. Could I use bcp to do this?



    IF @piStartRowNumber IS NOT NULL AND @piStartRowNumber < 1 SET @piStartRowNumber = 1

    declare @procedure_name varchar(200)

    declare @dtStart datetime

    declare @dtEnd datetime

    begin try

    --log start to buildlog

    set @procedure_name='FullLoadTable: '+@pTablename

    set @dtStart = GETDATE()

    EXECUTE psp_BI_Build_Log @@SPID, @procedure_name, 'Start', @dtStart, @dtEnd, 'V2'

    SET @pTablename = UPPER(@pTablename)

    declare @tSQL varchar(max), @tsql2 varchar(max)--, @tSQL3 varchar(max), @tSQL4 varchar(max)

    declare @tTmp varchar(max)

    declare @tSchema varchar(100), @tTable varchar(100), @tDotIndex int, @tLoadTable varchar(100)

    declare @tColumnName varchar(max), @tColumnType varchar(20), @tColumnLength int, @tColumnScale int

    declare @tNewColumnLength int, @tNewColumnPrecision int, @tNewColumnScale int

    declare @tRowCount int

    declare @tLogID bigint

    set @tDotIndex = CHARINDEX('.', @pTablename)

    set @tSchema = LEFT(@pTablename, @tDotIndex - 1)

    set @tTable = SUBSTRING(@pTablename, @tDotIndex + 1, 100)

    --validate the table exist in staging

    EXEC BIBuild.ValidateSchemaAndTable

    @schemaName = @tSchema, -- varchar

    @tableName = @tTable -- varchar(100)

    set @tLoadTable = @tTable

    IF @piStartRowNumber > 1


    exec ('truncate table ' + @tSchema+'.'+@tLoadTable)


    exec ('alter index all on ' + @tSchema+'.'+@tLoadTable+' disable')

    --Check if there's a cluster index and re-enable it if so

    select @tTmp =


    sys.indexes si

    join sys.all_objects sao on si.object_id = sao.object_id and = @tLoadTable

    join sys.schemas ss on ss.schema_id = sao.schema_id and = @tSchema

    where si.type = 1

    if (@tTmp is not null)

    exec ('alter index ' + @tTmp + ' on ' + @tSchema + '.' + @tLoadTable+' rebuild')

    -- Make sure local column definitions match remote

    exec BIBuild.MatchToOracle @tSchema, @tLoadTable, 'F'

    --Build the SQL statement to copy the data

    declare cColumnList cursor

    for select,, lc.scale


    sys.columns lc

    join sys.all_objects sao on lc.object_id = sao.object_id and = @tLoadTable

    join sys.schemas ss on ss.schema_id = sao.schema_id and = @tSchema

    join sys.types st on st.system_type_id = lc.system_type_id

    join (select COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE from PMI..SYS.DBA_TAB_COLS where OWNER = @tSchema and TABLE_NAME = @tTable) rc

    on rc.COLUMN_NAME =

    WHERE st.NAME <> 'sysname'

    order by column_id

    set @tSQL = ''

    set @tsql2 = ''

    --set @tSQL3 = ''

    --set @tSQL4 = 'if exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''[' + @tSchema + '].[' + @tTable+'_empty]'') and type in (N''U'')) drop table [' + @tSchema + '].[' + @tTable+'_empty]'

    open cColumnList

    fetch next from cColumnList

    into @tColumnName, @tColumnType, @tColumnScale

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin

    set @tSQL = @tSQL + '['+@tColumnName+']'

    SET @tsql2 = @tsql2 + (SELECT BIBuild.OpenQueryColumnFix(@tColumnType, @tColumnName))

    --set @tSQL3 = @tSQL3 + @tColumnName + ' ' + @tColumnType

    fetch next from cColumnList

    into @tColumnName, @tColumnType, @tColumnScale

    if @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin

    set @tSQL = @tSQL + ','

    set @tsql2 = @tsql2 + ','

    --set @tSQL3 = @tSQL3 + ','



    close cColumnList;

    deallocate cColumnList;

    --TODO: Add error handling

    --Copy data

    DECLARE @insertQuery VARCHAR(MAX)

    SET @insertQuery = 'insert into ' + @tSchema+'.'+@tLoadTable+' (' + @tSQL + ') select '+@tSQL+' from OpenQuery(PMI, ''select b.* from (select a.*, rownum rnum from (select '+@tSQL2+' from ' + @tSchema+'.'+@tTable

    DECLARE @insertQueryFinal VARCHAR(MAX)

    DECLARE @startRowNumber INT = @piStartRowNumber

    DECLARE @endRowNumber INT = @startRowNumber+@piChunkInterval

    /* Added to do chunking. Orders the result set by the primary keys and

    uses row number between a range.

    if no primary key or no chunk interval is entered, then it just loads it all at once.

    Q 7.12.2011


    IF @piPrimaryKey IS NOT NULL AND @piChunkInterval IS NOT NULL


    --raiserror('IN IF CLAUSE'

    DECLARE @orderByClause VARCHAR(MAX)DECLARE @column_name VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE primaryColumnCursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT column_name from BiBuild.ParsePrimaryColumns(@piPrimaryKey)

    OPEN primaryColumnCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM primaryColumnCursor INTO @column_name

    SET @orderByClause = ' order by '



    set @orderByClause = @orderByClause + @column_name

    FETCH NEXT FROM primaryColumnCursor INTO @column_name

    if @@fetch_status = 0 set @orderByClause = @orderByClause + ','


    CLOSE primaryColumnCursor

    DEALLOCATE primaryColumnCursor

    DECLARE @totalRowNumber INT

    CREATE TABLE #row_count


    total int


    DECLARE @countQuery VARCHAR(MAX) = 'select total from openquery(PMI, ''select count(*) as total from '+ @tSchema+'.'+@tTable+''')'

    INSERT INTO #row_count EXEC(@countQuery)

    SET @totalRowNumber = (SELECT total FROM #row_count)

    WHILE @startRowNumber <= @totalRowNumber


    DECLARE @text VARCHAR(2000) = 'ROWNUM: '+CAST(@startRowNumber AS VARCHAR)+' : '+CAST(@endRowNumber AS VARCHAR)

    raiserror(@text, 0, 1) WITH nowait

    SET @text = CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(), 109)

    RAISERROR(@text, 0 ,1) WITH nowait

    SET @insertQueryFinal = @insertQuery + @orderByClause+') a) b '

    set @insertQueryFinal = @insertQueryFinal + ' where b.rnum >= '+CAST(@startRowNumber AS VARCHAR)+' and b.rnum <= '+CAST(@endRowNumber AS VARCHAR)

    SET @insertQueryFinal = @insertQueryFinal + ''')'

    raiserror(@insertQueryFinal, 0, 1) WITH nowait


    SET @startRowNumber = @endRowNumber+1

    SET @endRowNumber = @endRowNumber+@piChunkInterval

    IF @endRowNumber > @totalRowNumber SET @endRowNumber = @totalRowNumber

    IF @startRowNumber > @totalRowNumber BREAKEND

    SET @text = CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(), 109)

    RAISERROR(@text, 0 ,1) WITH nowaitEND



    SET @insertQuery = @insertQuery +') a ) b'')'

    --raiserror(@insertQuery, 0, 1) with no wait

    exec (@insertQuery)


    end try

    begin catch

    --log error to buildlog

    SET @Procedure_Name = 'FullLoadTable Error: '+@pTablename

    SET @dtStart = GETDATE()

    EXECUTE psp_BI_Build_Log @@SPID, @Procedure_Name, 'FAIL', @dtStart, @dtEnd, 'V2'

    --log error to job history

    DECLARE @ErrMsg nvarchar(4000), @ErrSeverity int


    @ErrSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()

    RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, @ErrSeverity, 1)

    end catch

    --log finish to buildlog

    SET @Procedure_Name = 'FullLoadTable END: '+@pTablename

    SET @dtStart = GETDATE()

    EXECUTE psp_BI_Build_Log @@SPID, @Procedure_Name, 'END', @dtStart, @dtEnd, 'V2'


  • The way you are doing it is probably the slowest way you could do it. Your procedure also has a lot of code for checking the columns and the schema which should not be necessary if you know the format and content of the source data.

    If it were me I would dump the data from the source server into a CSV file then BULK INSERT (or BCP) it into SQL server. There is no faster way to load 3M rows that I know of. Also I would BCP into a staging database first then insert into the dest database after you know the load has been successful and perhaps the data is validated. Then you can truncate the dest table and do the insert. You can insert it using multiple batches to keep the transaction log from getting too big.

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

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