Christmas Fun

  • oh, booo! Rudolph was a scab brought in for an exception - not part of the team! 😛

  • Rudolph is an imposter!

    Chris Umbaugh
    Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence Consultant
    twitter @ToledoSQL

  • Rudolph was never in the early tales - So of course I answered only 8 ('0001000') - The next time you post the question; it should say: "including Rudolph" I do feel cheated on this one Steve.

  • Best laugh I've had on here for a while; such Christmas spirit shown!


  • If you watch christmas specials the majority do not include Rudolf. Typically only specials specifically refering to Rudolf have 9 reindeer. Nice question though.

  • No fog this year so no Rudolph. answer is 8 😉

  • Nicko (1/2/2012)

    No fog this year so no Rudolph. answer is 8 😉

    Santa traverses the globe, must have been fog somewhere 😉


  • I guessed, but wish I hadn't...

  • To make this question even worse, nothing was mentioned that the answers were in binary. You could assume it just because it only contained 1's and 0's but that was only an assumption. How do you know it wasn't decimal or octal or base 3?

    If I stated that I have 101 dollars, would you automatically assume I'm referring to binary and think that means $5?

    After reading the answer, it was evident it was binary because it had an explanation of "A little binary fun for you. Happy Holidays." but the title only says "Christmas Fun" without mentioning Binary.

    A couple conversions for you. If the correct answer is 1001 as stated,

    base 2 = 9

    base 3 = 28

    base 4 = 65

    base 5 = 126

    base 6 = 217

    base 7 = 344

    base 8 = 513

    base 9 = 730

    base 10 = 1001 (of course)

    base 16 = 4097 -- That could be a lot of reindeer.

  • Uripedes Pants (12/27/2011)

    oh, booo! Rudolph was a scab brought in for an exception - not part of the team! 😛

    Oh, it's worse than that!

    Everybody knows that the big fat guy in the red suit flies around the entire planet in a single night delivering toys to every girl and boy (but only the good ones) in a sleigh pulled by eight flying reindeer, and that he gets in and out of each house in the middle of the night by swooshing down and then up the chimney. That's a known fact.

    But the thought that one of those reindeer could have a glowing red nose -- I mean, that's so far-fetched it's unbelievable. Come on, the Rudolph story is a myth! There are only 8 (or 1000 in binary) reindeer!

    Rob Schripsema
    Propack, Inc.

  • As part of the austerity measures I thought Santa only needed seven this year...

  • They are all nervous.

    Rumor has it that they are looking at out sourcing half of them to offshore.

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  • Welsh Corgi (1/5/2012)

    They are all nervous.

    Rumor has it that they are looking at out sourcing half of them to offshore.

    Several different offshore sources actually; rumour has it that there will be a Kangaroo, an Indian Elephant, an African Elephant, and a Jining Grey goat, to promte a multicultural approach to sleigh haulage. The how to outsource half of nine issue has been provisionally settled by the decision to try to obtain a reindeer - Dromedary hybrid, with the Dromedary being the required 0.5 outsourced draught animal; but there is some concern that the oil-producing nations may get the hump at being insulted by being allowed only half a team member, just one ninth of the number of North American members of the team.


  • Half assumes that you do not recognize Rudolf

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  • Welsh Corgi (1/5/2012)

    Half assumes that you do not recognize Rudolf

    But the officially correct answer counts Rudolf in: hence the need for some kludge like a chimera, or a crossbreed, or perhaps a unicorn with dual nationality, to achieve half.


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