''Chopping'' up a ntext field

  • I need to cycle through a table and update address1, address2, address3 and address4 fields with the contents of a multiline field (ntext) named address.  How can I use the carriage return as the separator to determine the different lines of the address field?


    James Knight

  • Hi...

    in VB/VBA you can use the split function. You´ll get back an Array:

    Dim vTmp as Variant

    vTmp = Split(RS.Fields("address"), vbCrLf)

    RS.Fields("address1) = vTmp(0)

    RS.Fields("address2) = vTmp(1)

    RS.Fields("address3) = vTmp(2)

    RS.Fields("address4) = vTmp(3)


    May this help you.

    Greetings from Germany


  • James,

    Lots of ways to do this in T-SQL. Two quick-and-dirty ways:

    METHOD 1:

    DROP TABLE textaddr

    DROP TABLE addresses


    CREATE TABLE textaddr


      id int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1),

      addr ntext null


    CREATE TABLE addresses


      id int PRIMARY KEY,

      address1 varchar(50),

      address2 varchar(50),

      address3 varchar(50),

      address4 varchar(50)



    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1a' + Char(13) + 'Line 2a' + Char(13) + 'Line 3a' + Char(13) + 'Line 4a' )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1b' + Char(13) + 'Line 2b' + Char(13) + 'Line 3b' + Char(13) + 'Line 4b' )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1c' + Char(13) + 'Line 2c' + Char(13) + 'Line 3c' + Char(13) + 'Line 4c' )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1d' + Char(13) + 'Line 2d' + Char(13) + 'Line 3d' + Char(13) + 'Line 4d' )

    -- In this example, I'll assume that you already

    -- got rows in the table, and that you want to update them.

    INSERT addresses (id) SELECT id FROM textaddr ORDER BY id

    -- Get everything into the table, address1 ok, rest in address2

    UPDATE addresses

       SET address1 = Substring(t.addr, 1, CharIndex(Char(13), t.addr, 1) - 1),

           address2 = Substring(t.addr, CharIndex(Char(13), t.addr, 1) + 1, 4000) + Char(13)+ Char(13)+ Char(13)

      FROM addresses a JOIN textaddr t ON a.id = t.id

    -- Split address2, store first line in address2, rest in addr3

    UPDATE addresses

       SET address3 = Substring(address2, CharIndex(Char(13), address2, 1) + 1, 4000),

           address2 = Substring(address2, 1, CharIndex(Char(13), address2, 1) - 1)

    -- Split address3, store first line in address3, rest in addr4

    UPDATE addresses

       SET address4 = Substring(address3, CharIndex(Char(13), address3, 1) + 1, 4000),

           address3 = Substring(address3, 1, CharIndex(Char(13), address3, 1) - 1)

    -- Split address4, store first line in address4, discard the rest

    UPDATE addresses

       SET address4 = Substring(address4, 1, CharIndex(Char(13), address4, 1) - 1)

    SELECT * FROM addresses


    METHOD 2:

    -- UDF required by method 2.

    -- I use dbo.fGetToken all the time. I modified it for use here with

    -- the nvarchar type, thus the N at the end of the function name.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fGetTokenN


      @parm nvarchar(4000),

      @delim nvarchar(100),

      @whichOccur smallint


    RETURNS varchar(8000)



    DECLARE @occur int, @spos int, @startPos int, @maxlen int

    DECLARE @token nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @delimLen int

    -- Len() function ignores trailing blanks, so if our delimiter is a space,

    -- or multiple spaces, Len() will returns zero.

    IF Len(@delim) = 0 AND DataLength(@delim) > 0

      SET @delimLen = DataLength(@delim) / 2  -- divide by 2 if using nvarchar


      SET @delimLen = Len(@delim)

    SET @occur = 0

    SET @startPos = 1

    SET @spos = 1 - @delimLen

    SET @maxLen = Len(@parm)

    WHILE @occur < @whichOccur AND @parm <> N'' AND @parm IS NOT NULL AND @startPos < @maxLen


      SET @occur = @occur + 1

      SET @startPos = @spos + @delimLen

      SET @spos = CHARINDEX( @delim , @parm, @startPos )

      IF @spos = 0



    IF @occur <> @whichOccur

      SET @token = N'' -- or NULL


      IF @spos = 0

        SET @token = Substring(@parm, @startPos, 4000)


        SET @token = SubString( @parm, @startPos, @spos - @startPos)

    RETURN @token



    -- This is example 2

    DROP TABLE textaddr

    DROP TABLE addresses


    CREATE TABLE textaddr


      id int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1),

      addr ntext null


    CREATE TABLE addresses


      id int PRIMARY KEY,

      address1 varchar(50),

      address2 varchar(50),

      address3 varchar(50),

      address4 varchar(50)



    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1a' + Char(13) + 'Line 2a' + Char(13) + 'Line 3a' + Char(13) + 'Line 4a' )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1b' + Char(13) + 'Line 2b' + Char(13) + 'Line 3b' + Char(13) + 'Line 4b' )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1c' + Char(13) + 'Line 2c' + Char(13) + 'Line 3c' + Char(13) + 'Line 4c' )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1d' + Char(13) + 'Line 2d' + Char(13) + 'Line 3d' + Char(13) + 'Line 4d' )

    -- assume that you are updating existing records

    INSERT addresses (id) SELECT id FROM textaddr ORDER BY id


    UPDATE addresses

       SET address1 = dbo.fGetTokenN(t.addr, Char(13), 1) ,

           address2 = dbo.fGetTokenN(t.addr, Char(13), 2) ,

           address3 = dbo.fGetTokenN(t.addr, Char(13), 3) ,

           address4 = dbo.fGetTokenN(t.addr, Char(13), 4)

      FROM addresses a JOIN textaddr t ON a.id = t.id

    SELECT * FROM addresses ORDER BY id


  • Thanks for that! I have a slight problem though.....There are some addresses that have a null value in the address field (in smaller towns, a company might be so big is doesn't even have a road name applied to it) and some which only have a single line (no char(13)).  These seem to cause the script to fail.



    James Knight

  • James,

    The update method has a problem with single line addresses. Nulls aren't a problem in my testing. However, the UDF method is cleaner looking, and works for all situations. I was just trying to provide a couple of different methods in case performance was an issue. Also, the UDF returns an empty string when the requested value doesn't exists (i.e. 3 lines, and you request line 4). Just change the function to return NULL instead of N'' if that's what you want.

    IF @occur <> @whichOccur

      SET @token = NULL


      IF @spos = 0 ....

    Here's the code that I tested (just added more INSERTS to test)

    DROP TABLE textaddr

    DROP TABLE addresses


    CREATE TABLE textaddr


      id int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1),

      addr ntext null


    CREATE TABLE addresses


      id int PRIMARY KEY,

      address1 varchar(50),

      address2 varchar(50),

      address3 varchar(50),

      address4 varchar(50)



    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1a' + Char(13) + 'Line 2a' + Char(13) + 'Line 3a' + Char(13) + 'Line 4a' )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1b' + Char(13) + 'Line 2b' + Char(13) + 'Line 3b' + Char(13) + 'Line 4b' )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1c' + Char(13) + 'Line 2c' + Char(13) + 'Line 3c' + Char(13) + 'Line 4c' )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1d' + Char(13) + 'Line 2d' + Char(13) + 'Line 3d' + Char(13) + 'Line 4d' )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( null )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1f'  )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1g'  )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1h' + Char(13) + 'Line 2h' )

    INSERT textaddr (addr) VALUES ( 'Line 1j' + Char(13) + 'Line 2j' + Char(13) + 'Line 3j' + Char(13) + 'Line 4j' + Char(13) + 'Line 5j' )

    -- assume that you are updating existing records

    INSERT addresses (id) SELECT id FROM textaddr ORDER BY id


    UPDATE addresses

       SET address1 = dbo.fGetTokenN(t.addr, Char(13), 1) ,

           address2 = dbo.fGetTokenN(t.addr, Char(13), 2) ,

           address3 = dbo.fGetTokenN(t.addr, Char(13), 3) ,

           address4 = dbo.fGetTokenN(t.addr, Char(13), 4)

      FROM addresses a JOIN textaddr t ON a.id = t.id

    SELECT * FROM addresses ORDER BY id


    I got these results:

    (9 row(s) affected)

    id  address1   address2   address3   address4  

    --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

    1   Line 1a    Line 2a    Line 3a    Line 4a

    2   Line 1b    Line 2b    Line 3b    Line 4b

    3   Line 1c    Line 2c    Line 3c    Line 4c

    4   Line 1d    Line 2d    Line 3d    Line 4d


    6   Line 1f                         

    7   Line 1g                         

    8   Line 1h    Line 2h              

    9   Line 1j    Line 2j    Line 3j    Line 4j

    (9 row(s) affected


  • Works a treat apart from 1 thing.......it doesn't delete the char(13)'s while breaking up the field.  I had a look at the udf, but the code is going way over my head (easily done I know!)



  • Hmm..it deletes all the Char(13)'s in my tests. Does it do this for all rows, or just some? 

    Change the last SELECT statement in the example to read:

    SELECT *

      FROM addresses

     WHERE CharIndex( Char(13), address1, 1) > 0

        OR CharIndex( Char(13), address2, 1) > 0

        OR CharIndex( Char(13), address3, 1) > 0

        OR CharIndex( Char(13), address4, 1) > 0

     ORDER BY id

    That will list any rows for which anyone of the address columns contains a Char(13). Also, are the lines in the text column delimited with just a Char(13), or with Char(13)+Char(10) (carriage return + line feed)?

    Run this:

    SELECT *

      FROM addresses

     WHERE CharIndex( Char(10), address1, 1) > 0

        OR CharIndex( Char(10), address2, 1) > 0

        OR CharIndex( Char(10), address3, 1) > 0

        OR CharIndex( Char(10), address4, 1) > 0

     ORDER BY id

    If the text is delimited with Char(13)+Char(10), just change the function call like this:

    UPDATE addresses

       SET address1 = dbo.fGetTokenN(t.addr, Char(13)+Char(10), 1) ,

           address2 = dbo.fGetTokenN(t.addr, Char(13)+Char(10), 2) ,

           address3 = dbo.fGetTokenN(t.addr, Char(13)+Char(10), 3) ,

           address4 = dbo.fGetTokenN(t.addr, Char(13)+Char(10), 4)

      FROM addresses a JOIN textaddr t ON a.id = t.id

  • You were right, there were line feeds as well.

    UPDATE address

       SET addr_address1 = dbo.fGetTokenN(addr_address, Char(13) + Char(10), 1) ,

           addr_address2 = dbo.fGetTokenN(addr_address, Char(13) + Char(10), 2) ,

           addr_address3 = dbo.fGetTokenN(addr_address, Char(13) + Char(10), 3) ,

           addr_address4 = dbo.fGetTokenN(addr_address, Char(13) + Char(10), 4) ,

           addr_address5 = dbo.fGetTokenN(addr_address, Char(13) + Char(10), 5)

    This worked perfectly.  Now I just need to do some cleaning up and set all fields comprised of just spaces to NULL.

    Many thanks,


  • As I mentioned earlier, you can modify the fGetTokenN function to return NULL instead of the empty string for addresses that are less than 4 lines. Note the bold text near the bottom of the function.

    DROP FUNCTION dbo.fGetTokenN


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fGetTokenN


      @parm nvarchar(4000),

      @delim nvarchar(100),

      @whichOccur smallint


    RETURNS nvarchar(4000)



    DECLARE @occur int, @spos int, @startPos int, @maxlen int

    DECLARE @token nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @delimLen int

    -- Len() function ignores trailing blanks, so if our delimiter is a space,

    -- or multiple spaces, Len() will returns zero.

    IF Len(@delim) = 0 AND DataLength(@delim) > 0

      SET @delimLen = DataLength(@delim) / 2  -- divide by 2 if using nvarchar


      SET @delimLen = Len(@delim)

    SET @occur = 0

    SET @startPos = 1

    SET @spos = 1 - @delimLen

    SET @maxLen = Len(@parm)

    WHILE @occur < @whichOccur AND @parm <> N'' AND @parm IS NOT NULL AND @startPos < @maxLen


      SET @occur = @occur + 1

      SET @startPos = @spos + @delimLen

      SET @spos = CHARINDEX( @delim , @parm, @startPos )

      IF @spos = 0



    IF @occur <> @whichOccur

      SET @token = NULL -- instead of N'' 


      IF @spos = 0

        SET @token = Substring(@parm, @startPos, 4000)


        SET @token = SubString( @parm, @startPos, @spos - @startPos)

    RETURN @token


  • Hi,

    I did make that amendment, I was just saying that I need to clean up the data somewhat.  Thanks for your help.

    Much appreciated,

    James Knight

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