Checking Up

  • I don't know what country some of you folks are in, but in the USA, no one is arrested for political activities. NO ONE!! The only people that are arrested at political protests are those that do something illeagal.

    Actually not true at all. The VAST MAJORITY of the people arrested outside the RNC in 2004 were never charged or had charges dropped. Police make mass arrests, and later the situation is reviewed but they ARE arrested.

    NO ONE is arrested for religious beliefs either. NO ONE. If they are, the courts provide recourse.

    Many anti abortion protesters would disagree.


    BTW Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks WERE arrested for doing something illegal. Did that make them evil persons?



    -- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers --

  • Jay:

    The VAST MAJORITY that were arrested at the 2004 RNC were for cival disobidence, NOT POLITICAL VIEWS. Please get your facts correct.

    Abortion protestors also get arrested for cival disobidence, not for expressing their moral or religious views.

    Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks were arrested for doing something illegal. True. Your spin as to evil. No one, myself included, ever said anyone performing illegal acts are automatically branded as evil. YOUR SPIN.

    There's probably hundreds of sites where we could discuss this NON TECHNOLOGY issue. I feel embarressed that I have allowed my self to be drawn into such an emotional discussion. Corporations, including the government entities, can and should do whatever it takes to legally protect their interests, regardless of what you or I believe.

    Quite frankly, I'm more interested in discussing SQL2005 issues, so this is farewell on this topic.



  • Granted this is a late response (I'm about 2 weeks behind in SSC newsletters) ...

    My point is that since 1988 every position that I have held I have been subject to credit, criminal, background and refernence checks - so what. It is the employers right to do this just as much as it is your right not to work for the employer. Do your homework !

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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