Checking for value in select?

  • I have a hierarchical table: Example:

    ID         ParentID      Name

    1              null          A

    2               1            B

    3               1            C

    4               2             BA

    and so on.

    I want result like this:

    ID              Name

    1                A has children

    2                B has children

    3                C

    4                BA

    Otherwise, a simple select statement which checks, if there are subcategories or inner categories within a category, if it is there, appends some constant string to the name else just returns the name.

    Thanks in advance for all your help.

  • Look around before posting:


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • You can achieve this using a derived table.

        , t2.childcount
    from mytable as t1 
      left join ( 
                parentid as id
                , count( id ) as childcount 
            from mytable 
            where ParentID IS NOT NULL
            group by ParentID
        ) as t2 
      ON =


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Thanks for all your help.  I didn't want the number of subcategories, but if the subcategories existed, the categoryname should have appended with something else, if not then just the categoryname.

    Anyway the link Sergiy gave me the idea to use case.  Just don't ask why I did not think it before. 

  • So just take the field out of the select, or concatenate it with the name, or use a case, or ...


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Try this ...

    SELECT, [Child], [Parent]


     category t1,

     category t2


     t1.parentid =


  • Try this:

    If Object_id('test') is not null Drop Table Test

    Create Table Test(Id int,ParentId int,[Name] varchar(256))

    Insert Test Values(1,Null,'A')

    Insert Test Values(2,1,'B')

    Insert Test Values(3,1,'C')

    Insert Test Values(4,2,'BA')



     Name+Case IsNull((select top 1 t2.ParentId from test t2 where t2.ParentId=t1.Id),'')

      when '' then ''

      else ' Has children'


    From Test t1

    If Object_id('test') is not null Drop Table Test


    I have CDO. It's like OCD but all the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.

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