Checking for a null date

  • Hi

    in a stored procedure i want to check for a null date and assign a default value if it is null:

    alter procedure sp_list_orcon_cat_b_v2

    @start_date nvarchar(19),

    @end_date nvarchar(19),

    @priority nvarchar(1),

    @response integer

    if isnull(end_date) then

    set @end_date = @start_date

    end if

  • bill.humphrey (4/7/2008)


    in a stored procedure i want to check for a null date and assign a default value if it is null:

    alter procedure sp_list_orcon_cat_b_v2

    @start_date nvarchar(19),

    @end_date nvarchar(19),

    @priority nvarchar(1),

    @response integer

    if isnull(end_date) then

    set @end_date = @start_date

    end if

    Try this instead:

    if @end_date is null set @end_date = @start_date

  • I get an error "incorrect syntax near keyword 'if'.

    alter procedure sp_list_orcon_cat_b_v2

    @start_date nvarchar(19),

    @end_date nvarchar(19),

    @priority nvarchar(1),

    @response integer

    if @end_date is null set @end_date = @start_date



    SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT id, report_date, priority_text,

    MIN(DATEDIFF(mi, dt_switch, dt_arrive)) AS resp,

    COUNT(id) AS no_of_resp,

    CASE WHEN MIN(datediff(mi,

    dt_switch, dt_arrive)) <= 19 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS InStd

    --INTO #a_temptable_catb

    FROM dbo.cadcasedetails

    WHERE (NOT (dt_arrive IS NULL))

    AND (report_date >= CONVERT(DATETIME, @start_date, 103))

    AND (report_date < CONVERT(DATETIME, @end_date, 103))

    --AND (report_date < CONVERT(DATETIME, @start_date, 103))

    AND (priority_text = 'B')

    GROUP BY id, report_date, priority_text

    --SELECT COUNT(InStd) AS total_resp, SUM(InStd) AS in_std_resp, ROUND(CAST(SUM(InStd) AS float) / COUNT(InStd) * 100, 2) AS Expr3

    --FROM #a_temptable_catb

    --DROP TABLE #a_temptable_catb



  • [font="Verdana"]

    bill.humphrey (4/7/2008)

    I get an error "incorrect syntax near keyword 'if'.

    alter procedure sp_list_orcon_cat_b_v2

    @start_date nvarchar(19),

    @end_date nvarchar(19),

    @priority nvarchar(1),

    @response integer


    if (@end_date is null) then


    set @end_date = @start_date



    SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT id, report_date, priority_text,

    MIN(DATEDIFF(mi, dt_switch, dt_arrive)) AS resp,

    COUNT(id) AS no_of_resp,

    CASE WHEN MIN(datediff(mi,

    dt_switch, dt_arrive)) <= 19 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS InStd


    Check it now after applying the changes highlighted in bold. Refer the Create Procedure from BOL as well.





  • Bill

    Try this - doesn't need any IFs and does it in one line:

    SET @end_date = COALESCE(@end_date, @start_date)


  • ah I shifted the if statement inside the begin clause and it accepts it

  • Replace your if statement with the following:

    Set @end_date = ISNULL(@end_date, @start_date).

    The ISNULL() function replaces a null value with the specified replacement value. It is not used to check for a null value as you used it in your if statement.

    You can also use COALESCE(@end_date, @start_date). This function returns the first non-null value.


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