Check for existing records in a table

  • Hi,

    I have a table (Table A) in which I need to insert records from a view. If there are existing records in Table A, then I have two columns, IsArchived (bit data type and initially set to a 0) & ArchiveDate (initially null) which get updated by setting IsArchived to 1 and ArchiveDate with the current date only for these existing records while the new data is inserted with the IsArchived set to 0 and ArchiveDate set to null as said above.

    What would be the best way to approach this when building a stored procedure? How would I be able to check for existing records in a table ? Could I just do the below:

    IF isArchived = '0'


    UPDATE Table A SET isArchived = 1, ArchiveDate = getDate() where isArchived = 0 and ArchiveDate = null



    INSERT INTO Table A VALUES 'blah', 'blah', 'blah', '0', null

    Thanks in advance for any inputs.



  • I can see a couple solutions, but I still need a bit more information, is the sproc operating on all data in the table or just a particular record, your example actually suggests both..

    All data:

    UPDATE dbo.sometable SET IsArchived = 1, ArchiveDate = GETDATE() WHERE IsArchived = 0 OR ArchiveDate IS NULL

    INSERT dbo.sometable ( field1, field2, field3, field4, field5 )

    SELECT v.field1, v.field2, v.field3, 0, NULL

    FROM dbo.someview v

    WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM dbo.sometable t WHERE t.Field1 = v.Field1 )

    Single Record probably just on the insert:

    INSERT dbo.sometable ( field1, field2, field3, field4, field5 )

    SELECT v.field1, v.field2, v.field3, 0, NULL

    FROM dbo.someview v

    WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM dbo.sometable t WHERE t.Field1 = v.Field1 )

    AND v.Field1 = @PassField1



  • Thanks so much. That makes total sense. I'm not sure why I'm using the IF statement... Can I just run the update and then the insert?

    Btw, i'm trying to check all rows.

    So... let's say... I have a sproc and I need to update/insert 6 tables from 6 views (1 view to 1 table, eg. View A to Table 1, View B to Table B, View C to Table C, etc.)

    Can I do it like...

    Update Table A ... where isArchive = '0' and ArchiveDate IS NULL

    Insert into Table data

    Update Table B ... where isArchive = '0' and ArchiveDate IS NULL

    Insert into Table data

    Update Table C ... where isArchive = '0' and ArchiveDate IS NULL

    Insert into Table C... new data



  • I don't see any reason why not, the code treats this as basically a set operation, the update I used had an OR instead of an AND, but that is just cus I'm paranoid, I would want the record tagged even if another process didn't get it exactly right.. The insert select uses a correlated sub-query to filter out existing records, it lets the DB engine do what it does best..

    I would point out (although I think you know this) that the UPDATE must come before the Insert/Select..


  • Great, thank you so much for the help. I have changed my query to the above.

    Also, I think the "OR" does seem to make more sense as its always better to be more careful.


  • One more question actually.. I just thought of this.

    Could I put all these updates and inserts in one TRY / CATCH block?


  • I don't see why not, but I would say that the update is a pretty safe script, it is unlikely to fail given the datatypes specified. I would say your greater risk is in the Insert/Select, if the view changes you could have a datatype mismatch which would kill the process. If you want to make sure these are always done together you could use the SET XACT_ABORT ON and begin a transaction right before the update and if there are no errors after the Insert/Select (checking @@ERROR) then you can commit the transaction. Keep in mind if the view references any table that is not local to the server a distributed transaction would be enlisted.


  • Awesome, thanks for all your help. Really appreciate it.


  • No problem.


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