Check DB Status using ADO

  • I am trying to write some VB code to check the database status before running another routine. The logic is ' if the database is the process of applying transaction logs, being restored, or is offline, bypass the routine. Otherwise, run the routine. Since I am new to programming, I wonder if someone could help me with some sample codes to do the database status checking.

    Thank you very much for your help in advance. Mickey

  • I dont belive you can actually do this using ADO, you will need to use SQLDMO for this...

    For example you could have a function like:

    Public Function chkDBStatusNormal() As Boolean

    Dim oSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer2

    Dim oPollDB As SQLDMO.Database2

    Set oSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer2

    oSQLServer.LoginSecure = True 'Optional (if you want windows security use this)

    oSQLServer.Connect "YourServerNameHere", "SQLLogin", "SQLPassword" 'if you use the line above SQLLogin and Password are ignored

    Set oPollDB = oSQLServer.Databases("YourDatabaseNameHere")

    If oPollDB.Status = SQLDMODBStat_Normal Then

        chkDBStatusNormal = True


        chkDBStatusNormal = False

    End If

    Set oPollDB = Nothing


    Set oSQLServer = Nothing

    End Function

    Dont forget to add a reference to the Microsoft SQLDMO Object Library to your project...



  • Thank you very much, Simon, for your assistance. Actually, I am modifying the following script (check logspace). I want to check the db status before calling the MSActions as indicated bellow in red.  Where should I put your function and how do I call it? Also,

    how do I add a reference to the Microsoft SQLDMO Object Library? Please excuse my ignorance. Thanks again for your help.


    Dim SQL As Object

    Dim Space As Object

    Dim version As String

    Dim ExcludeItems As Long

    Dim dynamicDb As Boolean


    ServName As String

    ObjName As String

    ObjId As String

    FullObj As String

    End Type

    Private g_objs() As OBJS_STRUCT

    Dim g_objcnt As Long

    ' Extract server name, object name and object id

    Sub ParseObj(ServNum As Long, ObjNum As Long, ObjIdNum As Long, Objtype As String)

    Dim I As Long

    Dim fullobj As String

    For I = 1 To g_objcnt

    fullobj = Item$(Objtype, I,, ",")

    g_objs(I).ServName = Item$(fullobj, ServNum,, ":")

    g_objs(I).ObjName = Item$(fullobj, ObjNum,, ":")

    g_objs(I).ObjId = Item$(fullobj, ObjIdNum,, ":")

    g_objs(I).FullObj = fullobj

    Next I

    End Sub

    ' Send data and event - for dynamic, using stream name.

    Sub DynamicDataEvent(resname As String, db As String, free As Double, util As Double, freeAgtMsg As String, _

    utilAgtMsg As String, freeErrorCode As Long, freeErrorMsg As String, utilErrorCode As Long, utilErrorMsg As String, ServName As String, streamName As String)

    Dim detailmsg As String

    Dim longm As String

    Dim rc As Boolean

    Dim AgtMsg As String, legend$

    If freeErrorCode < 0 Then

    free = -1

    eventmsg = "Error: DB " & db & " log space avail @" & ServName

    MSActions Severity, eventmsg, AKPID, resname, freeErrorMsg

    End If

    If utilErrorCode < 0 Then

    util = -1

    eventmsg = "Error: DB " & db & " log space util @" & ServName

    MSActions Severity, eventmsg, AKPID, resname, utilErrorMsg

    End If

    If free = -1 Or util = -1 Then

    GoTo continue

    End If

    If DO_EVENT = "y" Then

    If free < TH_FREE And freeErrorCode <> -4 Then

    ' SQL Server cannot give data or log size when the data and log are shared.

    ' Raise event only when they are not shared.

    eventmsg = "DB " & db & " log space low @" & ServName

    longm = "The log (" & db & ")'s available space is " & Format$(free, "0.00") & "MB; <TH = " & CStr(TH_FREE)

    MSActions Severity, eventmsg, AKPID, resname, longm

    End If

    If util > TH_UTIL Then

    eventmsg = "DB " & db & " log space low @" & ServName

    longm = "The Log (" & db & ") is " & Format$(util, "0.00") & "% full; >TH = " & Cstr(TH_UTIL)

    MSActions Severity, eventmsg, AKPID, resname, longm

    End If

    End If


  • I am not sure if Simon is still reading the thread. Any help would be appreciated. I created the function in my code. The script engine is expecting variables for the following lines:

    Dim oSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer2

    Dim oPollDB As SQLDMO.Database2


    Set oSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer2

    Please help. Thank You!

  • I assume you are using VB Script in an ASP page, not an actual VB project? If this is the case, then you will need to create an instance of the object you need using a Server.CreateObject command, I am not 100% sure of the correct syntax as it has been a long time scince I`ve done any scripting work but it will be something like:

    Set oSQLServer = Server.CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")

    Set oPollDB = Server.CreateObject("SQLDMO.Database")

    you should be able to use the rest of it as it stands....



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