Check DB Integrity task

  • When I run a Maintenance Plan with the Check Database Integrity task for a specific user database, I get the following two messages in the SQL Server log:

    DBCC CHECKDB (master) WITH no_infomsgs executed by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM found 0 errors and repaired 0 errors. Elapsed time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds.

    DBCC CHECKDB (mssqlsystemresource) WITH no_infomsgs executed by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM found 0 errors and repaired 0 errors. Elapsed time: 0 hours 0 minutes 7 seconds.

    When I run with all databses, i get the same two messages repeated over and over.  Has anyone else see this or have any idea what might be causing it?

  • I've seen it.  It's normal ouput when DBCC CHECKDB is executed for a small database.  No errors were found (good!) and it took less than a second to run in master, 7 seconds to run in mssqlsystemresource.

    You might check the maintenance plan if you expected it to check user databases as it appears that DBCC CHECKDB was only run on these system databases.



  • As I said, I ran the task with one user database selected and with all databases selected and I still recieved these messages.  I recieve these exact messages every time.

  • I check the Microsoft KnowledgeBase and found two fixes. Both state that the CheckDB task can lose database context in certain circumstances.  Article #934458 is for builds 3042-3053.  Article #934459 is for builds 3150-3158.  My problem now is that, of the five servers we have running 2005 SP2, only one is at build 3042.  The other four are at build 3033.  I do not find 3033 in the build list that Steve Jones is maintaining on this site. 

    What is build 3033?  Would one of these fixes be correct, or should I download the two Cumulative Update packages and apply them?

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