Check constraint on 2 fields

  • Field1 can be several values depending on the status of the record, C, X, B, R etc. However I don't want my users to change this record to a B unless the document field has a good (not dummy) number inserted. How do I write the check constraint?

    I tried (field1 = 'B' and field2 <> 0000) But that doesn't allow my users to use the C, X or R values.

    What am I missing?


  • try (field1 <> 'B' or field2<>0000)

  • Use IN operator

    Create Table xXx

    ( Field1 vachar(10), Field2 varchar(10),

    Check ( Field1 IN ('C', 'X', 'B', 'R') And

    Field2 <> 0000 ))

  • If they choose C, X, or R then the field2 can be 0000. It is only when they choose B that field2 must be a real document number.



  • try:

    CHECK((Field1 IN ('C', 'X', 'R')) Or (
    Field1 = 'B' AND Field2 <> 0000))
  • me thinks you did not try my first suggestion...?

    >> (field1<>'B' or field2<>0000)

    jpipes response is probably more understandalbe, but mine is shorter. and it would allow you to add other codes that don't require a valid # in field2. then again, maybe I'm off my rocker and should actually try testing code suggestions before submitting them.

  • Completely agree with joshcsmith13: his suggestion will be much more maintainable... 🙂

  • My apologies joshcsmith13, my tired brain read your suggestion as a way to never have the 'B' in field1. I am awake now and I understand it. I did use jpipes suggestion and that worked but I agree that I like joshcsmith13's better also.

    Thank you everyone!


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