Chart title error

  • Hello,
    I want to add a parameter value to my charts title so i used the following expression:

    ="Sales amount " & Parameters!Supplier.Value & " by product category " & Join(Parameters!Year.Value,", ")

    This expression returns warning

    Operator is not defined for string "Sales amount by product category and type 'Object()' "

    I've tried to convert parameter values to string types using CStr function but it didn't worked.
    When i close warning window message report renders without any problem and chart title looks as i wanted to.
    So what to do to fix that warning?
    Best regards.

  • lukaszpiech - Thursday, February 7, 2019 1:16 PM

    I want to add a parameter value to my charts title so i used the following expression:

    ="Sales amount " & Parameters!Supplier.Value & " by product category " & Join(Parameters!Year.Value,", ")

    This expression returns warning

    Operator is not defined for string "Sales amount by product category and type 'Object()' "

    I've tried to convert parameter values to string types using CStr function but it didn't worked.
    When i close warning window message report renders without any problem and chart title looks as i wanted to.
    So what to do to fix that warning?
    Best regards.

    That similar to the error you get if Year does not allow multiple values in the parameter properties. Might be worth checking the properties for that parameter.


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