August 23, 2011 at 1:59 am
y-axis title always show on left of y-axis label . How can I set y-axis title to top of y-axis label??
August 23, 2011 at 6:14 am
You can get the title to be top aligned by right-clicking the title, selecting Axis Title Properties, and changing the Title Alignment property to far. Is that close enough or do you literally need the text on top of the axis below the chart title?
August 23, 2011 at 6:21 am
If you need the title directly above the axis, you can fake it by deleting both the report title and y-axis titles then make sure there is some of the working space for the report above the chart. You can then drag over a textbox and create a fake y-axis title directly above the axis. You can optionally add the report title back in...
August 23, 2011 at 8:05 pm
Thanks all your answer. I add new title and fake it to be y-axis label.
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