Changing Server name

  • I have server called SQLPRO12 and has 2 named instances. we planning changeing name from  SQLPRO12 to SQLLFG. how to change sql server name ?

    any body explain to me


  • i found the answer on microsoft site

    sp_dropserver <old_servername\instancename>


    sp_addserver <new_servername\instancename> , local




  • I've found the following script helpful:

    Create proc uspRenameServer

    @pNewName varchar(256)=null--If NULL we will attempt to rename server to the WINS machine name


    Purpose: renames SQL server.

    Server: all

    Database: DBAservice

    Developed: Yul Wasserman 03/08/02



    Declare @OldName varchar(256)

    Declare @NewName varchar(256)

    set @OldName=''

    select @OldName=isnull(srvname,'') from master.dbo.sysservers where srvid=0

    If @pNewName is NULL


    create table #NName (NName varchar (256))

    insert #NName exec master.dbo.xp_getnetname

    select @NewName=Nname from #Nname

    drop table #Nname


    ELSE If @pNewName is not NULL


    select @NewName=ltrim(rtrim(@pNewName))


    If @OldName@NewName


    IF @OldName ''


    print 'Attempting to drop server '+@OldName

    Exec master.dbo.sp_dropserver @OldName


    print 'Attempting to add server '+@NewName

    Exec master.dbo.sp_addserver @NewName,'local'


    If isnull(@@Servername,'')@NewName


    Print 'Please shut down and restart SQL Server in order to complete renaming.'


    Else If isnull(@@Servername,'')=@NewName


    Print 'SQL Server is already named ' +@NewName


  • It's "renaming a server" in BOL...

  • One thing to remember os that you will have to stop/restart SQL server for this to be totally in effect. Things like @@servername and the servername in the errorlog are set only on startup. Just one little omission from MS ...

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • According to BOL

    When u rename the SQLPRO12 to SQLLFG, on next startup your instance will be look like



    This is for Sql Server 2000.

    but for Sql Srever 7 i think u need to rerun the sql server setup to correct only renamed problem.



    Kindest Regards,


  • Tahir, for v7.0 your are correct.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • To further complicate things, I would like to present the following:

    I recently renamed a SQL2000 server.  I then went in to change my maintenance plans and many of the extract jobs I have running on the server.  I got the following error:

    Error 14274: Cannot add, update, or delete a job (or its steps or schedules) that originated from an MSX server. The job was not saved.

    I then looked up the error and found out that when you rename a server on 2000 you can no longer edit any of your old jobs.  Go here to see the full details:;en-us;281642

    It says you have to rename the server back to the old name and then script out all the old jobs and then delete them.  Then you change the name once again and script in the jobs.  What a pain.  Just remember to script and delete all of your jobs before renaming.

    Does anyone else have a way to get around the whole renaming fix?  I work at a hospital and I have to schedule the down time and coordinate with too many people to allow me to implement this fix anytime soon.

  • Amazing.

    I went into sysjobs and changed the name in the originating_server column and then was able to delete all the old jobs.  I have run checkdb and have found no errors.  At least I no longer have to jump through hoops to find the time to fix this.

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