Changing Remote Distributors

  • scenario:

    Server A has Publication A, using Remote Distributor Server C (Server "C" is in Sys.Servers)

    Server B has Publication B, using Remote Distributor Server D (Server "D" is in Sys.Servers)

    ...and finally,

    Server Z is the subscriber to both publications, with both subscriptions pointed to the same database. There is no remote Distributor defined in Z..Sys.Servers.

    I want to retire the Remote Distribution server C and have Publication A use Remote Distribution Server D instead of C.

    Do we need to fully tear down the Publication/Subscription on Servers A and Z to use the new dist server D, or is there an easier way?

    Thank you for any assistance.


  • There is no "easy" way. You have to drop not only the subscription and the publication but also you will have to reconfigure replication from scratch which means you need to "Disable Publishing and distribution" and enabled it with the "new" settings.

    It sucks! I know and agree with you 🙂

    * Noel

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