Changing format

  • When I export a report from report server of SSRS2008r2 and copy the information in the excel and paste on another excel file it change all the colors, anyone know about this?

  • Are you copying the information after exporting it, or are you exporting it to Excel? If the first... Then what format are you exporting it into?



    CE - Microsoft

  • I already export the data to an excel file.

    I have another excel file with a few sheets, I want to copy the data from the excel exported from ssrs and then paste it on the new excel.

    Using excel 2007.

  • How are you pasting the data? A simple ctrl+v? Look at your other pasting options when right-clicking.



    CE - Microsoft

  • I try a simple ctrl+v

    I try a special paste, first values then format and viceversa and nothing, the color format change for example from a light blue to a bright red.

  • Have you tried pasting "All using source theme" or "Keep Source Formatting" (depending on where you paste from)?



    CE - Microsoft

  • Ah, about 6 months ago an accounting analyst at my last job reported this exact problem and I am struggling to remember what it was. I think it had something to do with Office 2007...

  • Thank you very much, I use "all source" and it works!!!!!!

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