Changing Domains - Problem with SSRS?

  • Our company is about to change domains and I wonder if there is a going to be a problem with SRS and it security.  When I grant rights to a SRS folder to a user or user group, I must specify the domain.  When we switch domains and begin logging into the new domain, I would think our access will stop working.  The SRS server will be moved into the new domain, but I don't think that will help.  I noticed in the SRS Users table, the person's SID is being stored.  Is SID History going to help us out in this instance?  If so, should we at some point change the users to the new domain in case SID history is ever removed?

    Thanks for any help!

  • I've recently had the same issue as we just migrated to a new domain.  And I did need to add security rights to the reports for the new domain.

    Bigger issue we had were user subscriptions.  Once they migrate, they can not see their existing subscriptions.  They do continue to run but you can't get at them.

    I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has run into this yet.  Also, is there anyway for the Admin to get a list of all user subscriptions and either edit or delete them?

  • Thank you for replying David.  I want to share something with you.  We created a new user group and a new user and put the user into the group in our current domain.  I granted browser rights to a folder using the user group.  I made sure the user could access the reports in that folder.  We then moved the user and group to the new domain (domain is still in the same forest as I understand it).  I logged back in as the user in the new domain and the reports worked fine.  Keep in mind the report server is still in the old domain.  With this said, I believe SID history is working in this case. 

    So, I'm curious to know why you said you had a problem.  Maybe because your new domain was not in the same forest or you were not able to retain the old SID with the user?

    Thanks again.



  • We have not yet migrated out server to the new domain but have a trust currently set up.  I'm wondering if that's whay the user's can no longer see their subscription setup under the old domain.

  • David, you may want to look at this article...


  • Well, I have some bad news.  Maybe some grateful person reading these posts will know something about this.  We did our domain move last weekend.  It now appears that we cannot edit any security what-so-ever.  When we try to, we are getting the following:

    The user or group name 'mydomain\MyUserorGroup' is not recognized. (rsUnknownUserName)

    The domain and user/group has been change in my example, but the error shows a user/group in the old domain (domain A).  As of writing this, we have exhausted all attemps to find a solution to the problem.  We are now calling a ticket into MS to see if they can explain this.

  • Did you find a solution for this? I am having the same problem. Thanks!

  • I'm not the original poster and haven't done this, but if you have no other luck you could try changing the domain name on the ReportServer.dbo.Users table UserName column.

    Other places the old domain name is stored are the sys.server_principals and per-database sys.database_principals tables. You can rename these with Alter Login / Alter User With Name = and the new full name on the new domain.

    Maybe the SID history works but when it resolves the internal names to the new names it messes up at one of these points.

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