Changing Domains

  • I have found out that we will be changing NT domains in the near future, and of course all of our users are based on NT security. Does anyone have any tips or resources on how to successfully and smoothly migrate my security across domains? All of the users and NT Groups will be recreated on the new domain. I am hoping that I can write some scripts that will save off the existing info and recreate it with the new domain. One concern that I have is that the user that runs SQL is a domain user, so if I switch domains, will sql even start? I am hoping I can get a test server and try a switch and work out the details before we change, but I would love some advice if anyone has tried this before.



  • As far as sql starting up, I would change the services to run as local service before the domain is changed. Once the domain is changed, reset the sql services to run under the new domain name after setting it up internally to sql server as a login with system admin privileges. I would keep the same root name for the domain login as well.

    We have just had one of our sql servers migrated from one domain to another following the same concept. It worked for sql server, but we had some other set up issues with the Veritas backup login. We were successful after connecting via named pipes and getting one backup, then the tcp/ip was able to be invoked successfully.

    If your security logins are by NTGroups, AD Groups you should have no problems. If they are by individuals, you'll need to create a new login for each. I would suggest doing this as soon as your new domain controller and logins are created, prior to migrating the sql server server to the new domain.

    Hope this gives you some ideas.


  • Probably can script the sp_Addlogin using the domain name (existing), then re-run with a search and replace for the newone.

    Steve Jones

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